chapter 12

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What time is t? CHAPTER TWELVE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry it took a while to upload I just had  A LOT of school stuff. Well anyways i really hope you like it and tell me what you think

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“Wakie wakie sleeping beauty.” someone whispered as they softly shook me.

“Go away Danny.” I said as I slapped his hands away. I heard him mumble a ‘fine’ and left the room. I rolling over in bed bring the blanket up to my chin falling back to sleep. After what feelings like five seconds I shot up out of the bed cold and dripping wet. “WHAT THE HELL DANNY? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” I yelled at the laughing Danny who was now on the floor holding his sides.

“Y-you… haha…. weren’t w-waking u-u… haha… up.” he stuttered as he tried to hold in his laughter.

“Whatever asswhole.” I mumbled as I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom, but not after kicking Danny in the stomach as I passed by him.

“Yeah but you still love me!” Danny called. After taking a shower and getting dressed I walked down stair to the kitchen. when I got there I Danny was eating a bowl of cereal and had a bowl ready for me next to him. “Hurry up slow poke we only have about thirty minutes til school starts.”

As we got to school we met up with Jake and Katie who sitting at a bench under a huge tree. When Jake saw us he jumped up from his seat and ran towards us engulfing me into a dear hug. “Sam don’t ever do that again. I try calling you like five hundred times and no one picked up. I was so worried about you.” He pulled away looking me in the eye. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I just stayed with Danny and I’m staying there until that witch is gone. Did you hear what she said to me? She told me she hates me Jake, hates me. What mother does say that to their own daughter?” I said but my sadness turned to anger as I realized something.  “Where were you when she was yelling at me calling me a whore and slut? You didn’t even stand up for me! You said you were worried but you didn’t even have my back! What kind of big brother are you to let your own mother bully your own twin!” I screamed in his face.

“I-I wanted to help but… but…” he started.

“But what you didn’t want your mommy to be mad? You wanted to stay the golden child? I cant even look at you anymore. I-I … I thought you would protect me?”

“I’m sorry Sam I don’t know why let her talk to you like tha-“

“Do you know what? Don’t talk to me okay.” I said turning around walking to my locker. “Stupid moms. Stupid Brother. Stupid everything.” I mutter trying to open the locker.

“You know talking to yourself is the first step of being crazy?” I didn’t need to turn around to know it Tony.

“What do you want Tony as you can see I’m not in the best of moods?”

“I just came over to see if you were okay. I saw the fight you had with your brother. You looked so sad.” he said. I felt him step closer to me. “I can help you relax if you want?” He whispered in my ear. His warm breathe on my skin. A month ago that would comfort me, but now it just pisses me off even more.

“Go way Tony.” he put him hands on my hips turning me around to face him.

“Come on Samantha we can’t let this tiny little thing ruin everything we built together. I love you and you love me, why can’t we just get over this speed bump?”

“Tiny little ‘speed bump’? We went through so much together. You knew about the dad, and how my mother hates me, but you still cheated. So do I love you? Not anymore, but if I remember correctly you and Megan are dating aren’t you?” I said glaring at him.

“Yeah but I would leave her for you in a heartbeat.”

“So that doesn’t mean you would stop fucking her. I lost all my trust in you and nothing you can do will ever get it back. So just give up and move on, but we will never be together ever again.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Well you should because it’s true. I’m sorry we can be friends like we used to but that is all we will ever be.” he nodded.

“Ok friends.” he stuck his hand out and I shook it. “Well, I guess I will see you in class friend.”

“Alrighty then friend.” I said and with that he was gone and was replaced with a very confused Danny.

“Sammy why were you talking with Tony?”

“I asked him be friends and he agreed.” I shrugged. “Come on let’s get to class and learn some useless stuff that we will forget when we get home.” I said taking his arm placing it around my shoulder and wrapped my arm around his waist.

“Ok let’s get this party started.” He said kissing the top of my head walking me to class.


“Are you still made at Jake?” Danny asked as we finished paying for our lunch.

“Yep.” I said popping the ‘p’ walking right by the table Jake was at not even spearing him a glance.

“You know he’s sorry right? He loves you more than anything in the world and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you.”

“He didn’t stick up for me.” I countered. I knew I stumped Danny because he didn’t say anything. “Came we talk about something else, something happy?”

“Okay… well how about we go to the movies and we can watch whatever you want, I’m buying.”

“I would love that.” I said smiling up at him. “Do you know what?”


“You are freakishly tall for your age.” I said looking up at him again.

“I’m only six foot. you’re the short one, what are you like three foot five?” he chuckled.

“Um for your information I am five foot three thank you very much.”  Playfully glared at him.

“Yeah right I bet an umpa lumpa is taller than you.”

“Na-uh, I am defiantly taller than them. You’re just saying that because you have to look down at everything.” I said sticking my tongue at him.

“Whatever you say short stuff.”

“Hey don’t call me that!” I said playfully slapping his arm.

“But it’s true and you know it.”

“Whatever.” I huffed turning my back to him.

“Aw come on don’t be like that shortie.” he said causing me to huff again. “Well if you’re not going to talk to me, then I guess I have to tickle you till you do.”

“You wouldn’t.” I challenged turning around.

“You want to bet?” He said cocking him eyebrow up.

“Well you better catch me then.” I said taking off running towards the field. “Catch me if you can sucker!” I called. I looked back and saw him catching up to me. I pushed my legs to go faster, but now even five seconds later he tackled me down to the ground and started tickling me.

“Say you give! Say you give and I will stop!”

“Never!!!!!!” I yelled as tickled me even more. “Okay I give! I give! Please stop or I’m going to peeeeeeee!!” I screamed. he stopped and laid on me panting as fast as I was. After a couple of second he lifted up a bit and looked at me. He face so close I could feel him minty breathe on my now slightly parted lips. He looked from my eyes to my lips, then back to my eyes.

“I-I think we should before our food gets cold.” disappointment flood through me as he got off me and lifted me up into until I was standing. I don’t know why but I was sad that he didn’t kiss me. Did I want him to kiss me?

I think I did…

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