chapter 13

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OK heres chapter 13. i know it's been awhile but you know how school is. they give you like three big projects due at the same. I hope you like and please vote or fan me. if you want i swer im not pressuring you guys :)



Just as I finished getting ready there was a knocking at my door. “Come in!” I called out. The door opened to show a very, and when I say very I mean it, handsome Danny wearing a button down white shirt and black jeans.

            “Are you ready my fair lady?” he asked in a terrible British accent. I took one more look in the mirror fixing my blond hair. “Sammy you’re beautiful, now get your fine ass moving before we miss the movie. Get! Get!” he said pushing me out of the room, out of the house, and into the car.

            The whole ride to the theater we talked about everything from school to hobbies and now to crushes. “No way you liked Smelly Kelly?” he nodded “Grooooooooossssss! oh my God I couldn’t even stand by her without gagging.” I said scrunching up my nose.

            “Ok yeah looking back now I even ask myself what the hell, but hey I young.” He said laughing.

            “Yeah sure blame it on the age.” I mumbled.

            “I will! Ha-ha!” he laughed and I joined in. A couple second later we were parked in the parking lot and heading inside. He paid for the ticket against my own will, but I made him let me paid for the snacks. It’s only fair right? As we sat down in our seats you will never guess who walked in. Tony and his skank Megan! I guess Danny notice my sudden quietness because he looked up where I was looking. “You want to leave?” He asked whispering in my ear. I shook my head as a shiver went through my body. “Are you clold?” I nodded not wanting to tell him he was the reason, not the temperature. “Here.” He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and bringing me to his chest, which I have to admit is very nice.

            After what seemed like a million years the movie finally started. The lights dimmed down, so that the only light was from the movie. through out the movie my eyes wondered to where Tony and Megan were sitting; they looked happy together. That got me thinking what did i do wrong? Was he not happy with me anymore or was he even happy? I dragged my eyes away from them and looked up at Danny. I looked at every feature on his face from him perfect skin to his soft hair. Why is someone who is so mean and sluty act so nice and sweet to me? I wonder what makes me so special? As if feeling my eyes on him he looked down at me.

          "Hey." he whispered smiling.

"Hey yourself." I whispered back.

"So this movie sucks you wanna get out of here?" I quickly glanced over at Tony finding him and Megan making out.

"Yes." and with that we got up and started to leave. On the way out i felt someone watching me. I looked over at Tony and what do you know hes looking right back at me with sad eyes. I looked away and felted with Danny the one that i knew wont hurt me.


"Ok so all you have to do it drink the hot sauce then take a big glup of strawberry smoothie." I gave Danny a weird look.

"Ewwwwww I am sooooo not doing that!" i said a bit to loud. He gave me the puppy dog face. "Nu-uh... no way man... but...ugh fine i will but only because you would have to be a monster to say no to that face." I poured the hot sauce on the spoon and brung the smoothie closer to me. "Ok here i go..." i put the spoon in my mouth swallowing the freakishly hot hot sauce and took smoothie chuging most of the  smoothie. "I... will... never... do that... again...!" i said still fanning my mouth.

"Oh my god, i cant believe you actually did that!" Danny said laughing. I didn't have to do that? That asswhole!  I glared at Danny until he calmed down. "Ok im sorry, but i thought you would be to smart to listen to me." He said as he started laughing again. I glared at him for a few more second. I got up out of my seat and lefted him laughing. "Aw come on Sammy i was just joking." he said catching up  to me. "Sammy dont be that way. i sorry." he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. when i didn't say anything he lefted my up spinning me around in a circle.

"Stop!!! Danny stop!!!" I screamed/laughed.

"Say you forgive me!!! Say it!!!"

"Ok i forgive you!" Placed me one my feet stil holding me. 

"See that wasn't hard to say." He whispered in my ear smirking when he felt me shiver. I turned my head towards him; our nose touching and our lips only centimeters away. As he started leaning in someone cleared their throat. I looked over to their direction and saw Tony standing there looking pissed off.

"What do you want Tony?" i asked. You could hear the annoyance in  my voice.

"What i cant come over and talk to a couple of friends?" he said act innocent.

"You may be her friend, but you are deffinantly not mine." Danny growled from behind me glaring at Him.Tony glared right on back, both having a mini stare down.

"Ok guys quit it already i dont see why you guys are looking at each other like that." I said breaking the stare off.

"Because that dickhead stole my girlfriends." Tony snapped. Throwing a glare at Danny.

"I didn't steal her way from you, you practicly through her away. You cheated her with that whore right there." Danny said pointing at Megan who was just standing there watching them.

"So Sam what did you do to get this manwhore to date you? Did you fuck him? is that how you got him? Wow your such a slut." Megan said sneering at me.

"Listen to me you little fake bitch unlike you i am still a virgin and i will be that way until i find someone who i know will be there when i wake up. Also, when i do lose it, it will be special and it will mean something. Do you even remember who took yours? Did you even know his name at least?" She walked up to me and pushed me. "Dont to dare touch me." she pushed me again.

"What are you going to do about it? Huh?"  Thats it. i pushed her back. She went to punch me, but i stopped her arm and punched her in the gut and brung her head down on my knee, hard. pushing her to ground. As she got up, holding her now bloody nose, i went to punch her again but i felt strong arounds go around me pulling me back. 

"Calm down Sammy." Danny said in my ear.

"You are so fucking lucky he's holding me back because i swer i would mess you up." Danny pulled me out of the building and to his car. Still mad i got into the car slaming the down. A couple of seconds later Danny was in and started to car pulling out of the parking lot driving back to his house. After a minute or two i calmed down. "Sorry."

"Its ok Sammy she did deserve to get the shit kicked out of her." he said causing me to smile. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Well you know my brother always wanting me to be safe, so he taught me some moves." i shrugged as if it was no ig deal.

"Well i have to say that was quit a turn on. Remind me to thank our brother for teaching you that." he said smirking.

"Shut up." I laughed slapping his arm playfully. "Lets just go home and get some sleep. Who knew fight a bitch would be so tirering." i yawned causing Danny to chuckle.

"Ok." we got to his house in only five minutes. "Come on were here."

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo carry me im too lazy to walk." he laughed shaking his head walkingover to my side and opening my door. I turned a little holding out my arms for him with my eyes closed. Lift me up out of the car as if i weighed nothing. "Onward to my room." i said pointing to the front door. He walked into the house and upstair to my temporary room laying me down on my bed. he tucked me in and kissed my forhead walking to the door. "Goodnight Danny Boy."

"Goodnight fighter." and with that i feel into a peaceful sleep.

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