chapter 18

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sorry about the wait, but here it is.

          please comment and tell me what you think and please vote to encourage me to keep writing if you want more :)

                                                               thank you and have a nice day


Another week has past and everything is going great, well almost great. I still haven’t talked to Jake and even though I’m mad at him, I miss him. But with that being said I wasn’t going to talk to him until he comes up to me first, which would never happen because of his pride.

“Sammy!” Danny’s voice interrupted my thinking and brought me back to reality.


“What were you thinking about Sam?” Cara asked snuggling into George. Yes I know what you’re thinking and yes because of me awesome match making skills they finally got together. They are so cute that whenever I see them together I just want to say ‘awwwwww’.

“just  thinking about how Jake has to much pride.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Sammy baby maybe you should forgive him, he’s sorry about what he did.” Danny said trying to persuade me like he’s been doing for the past two weeks.

“I don’t want to talk to him.” I said stubbornly.

“Your being unfair Sammy.” Danny said giving me a pointed look.


“Well he has always been there for you through everything. So what if he didn’t stick up for you one time, I know he will back you up all the other times. Please at least go talk to him, he’s a mess without you.” I looked over at Jake who was sitting at a different table just picking at his food. He looked so miserable and sad, I don’t like him sad it makes me sad. I want my twin happy.

“I-I’ll see you guys later.” I said getting up and walking over to Jake. “Come on Jake.” I said taking his hand and walking out of the lunch room. I looked over at him and he was looking at me with a surprised look on his face that faded and turned to  a confused look. It was a silent walk all the way to the football field. I pull him over to the field goal post and sat down leaning on it, while Jake did the same thing. And again it was awkwardly quiet.

“Jake…”I said at the same time as he said my name. “ No let me talk first. I’m sorry for the way I was acting i-“ he interrupted.

“No I’m sorry for not beening there for you when you needing it the most-“ I cut him off.

“No you are always there for me and I take that for granted.” I said getting on my knees infront for him. “You are the bestest brother in the world. You make me feel better when no one else can. You protect me all the time, and even though it might be too must and overly protective I will always love you the way you are.”

“But I still should stuck up for you when she was-“

“That’s in the past and I already forgave you that.”

“So are we okay now?”

“Yeah we are and that better be the last fight we ever have. I don’t like fighting with my twin it makes me sad.” I sad pouting.

“Don’t worry twin we will never fight ever again I will make sure of that. Pinky promise?” He said sticking out his pinky. I wrapped my pinky around his and we shook on it because I knew for a fact that once we pinky swear on it, it shall never brake.

No matter what, nothing can come between a brother and sister relationship.   

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