chapter 4

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Tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for reading this it really means a lot. luv ya guys! :)


When I woke up everything from last night came rushing back. As I thought of Tony cheating on me I started to cry. “Sam?” I heard Jake on the other side of the door. “I’m coming in.” he said as he opened my door. When he saw me he ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. “What’s wrong Samantha?”

“N-nothing I’m ok.” I said whipping the tears off my face.

“Crying in the morning is never a good sign.” He said in his parental voice.

“It’s nothing let’s just drop it ok! I don’t want to talk about it!” I snapped. I don’t know why, I never snap at my brother. I stood up from the bed mumbling a sorry, and walked out and into the bathroom.

After having a shower I put on sweet pants and a bagging shirt, that i think belongs to Jake, not caring what i look like.  I went down stairs and lay down on the couch. I spent the whole day curled up on the couch watching romances movies and crying.

At about 6 at night there was a knock on the door. “I got it.” Jake yelled from the hallway, as if i would actually get up. I heard the open and Jake saying hi to one of his friends. I knew it was Danny because he’s like the only friend that Jake invites over. Danny and Jake walked into the living room, where I was, and stared at me. I wasn’t paying to much attention I was too busy with all the thinking I what went wrong. I kept asking myself why he would cheat, or if I would have put out and let him have his way would he still cheat, or was he already cheating me and if so how long, with who? What did i you do that made him even think about cheating? All these question were going through my head; I couldn’t stop the tear that fell from my eye.

“Dude you were right. Did she tell you what’s wrong?” I heard Danny whisper to Jake.

“No dude, she hasn’t talked me. She’s been like this all day. I’m worried. I just dont know what to do.” I could tell Jake was concern, but I just don’t want to talk about it. I couldn't. I guess im just hoping it's not true, that he was faithful. As I started to think about Tony I felt the couch dip as someone sat at the other end of the couch. I turned my head and saw a very worried Danny staring at me.

“What do you want?” I asked in a monotone voice.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. Like he would care.

“Why do you care?” I asked in a harsh tone.

“Because I care about you. Please tell me and Jake what’s wrong.” I took a look at my brother, then back at Danny.”

“Ok, well at the party Tony wanted something from me, he wanted sex, but I wasn’t ready yet. So he got mad and yelled at me, then he left. I went to look from him and when I found him doing Megan in one of the bedrooms. There are you guys happy, he cheated on me!” I yelled the last part and cried.  I got up from the couch and ran to my room locking the door.

“Sammy? open the door please.”

“NO! Leave me alone!” I yelled still crying.

“Danny just give her time ok.” I heard Jake say. “Come on.” Danny sign in frustration, but agreed. Went I heard them leave I got up and went to my dresser to get the one picture that used to help me. It was a picture of my parents, Jake and me. We were on vacation and were near a waterfall.  Ever since my dad was killed my family fell apart. My brother is over protecting and my mom hates me. You might think i'm being over dramatic, but it's true and i know it is.

I remember the first two weeks after his death; my mom wouldn’t come out of her room. At night when she thought me and Jake were asleep she would cry. She would yell my father’s name as if she can yell it loud enough he would come back, but we all knew he wouldn’t.

I remember the first time she came out of her room she was drunk. Then, she started drinking every chance she had.  But now that she has a job that requires her to leave. So that means she’s gone most of the time, but when she back she always leave for the bars. She makes sure she doesn’t have to look at me. She still blames me for the death of my father. When she looks at me it's as if im a monster. that everything i touch dies.

 As I looked at the picture I realized that my family will never be the same. We will never be that happy family that would invite all our neighbors and family over and have a huge happy Bar baque. We will never sit around and have a normal conversation and talk about school and parties, becuase were broken. Were missing a huge peice of our family that kept us together all because of me.

 I sat in the corner of my room crying. Crying for my dad. Crying for Tony. Crying because I know that there is nothing I can do to fix this messed up life I have.

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