chapter 3

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Jake is to the right ----->


“What the hell is this?” I heard someone yell waking me up from the best sleep in the world.

“Ugh Jake would you shut up and let me sleep?” well I take it Jake was the one that yelled first, now who was the other one? I opened my eyes and looked at Jake who was glaring at me and mystery guy. That’s when last night came to mind. I looked down and realized that I was lying on Danny with my head on his chest, his arms around my waist, and our legs entwined with each other’s. I quickly sat up and saw Danny grinning at me. “Good morning sleeping beauty.” He said. I could feel myself blushing.

“Oh good your up. Now do you mind telling me why the hell Danny is in your bed with you?” he asked glaring at me.

“Well it’s not what it looks like.” He raised his eyebrow. “I had a nightmare last night. So I went to your room and kicked Danny for making me watch it. Then, he checked my room to make sure nothing was in here, but I was still scared so I asked him to stay. I swear we did nothing.” My brother’s face softened, but still glared at Danny.

“Ok fine I believe you this time, but I swear if I see you together again I will kill you.” He said pointing at Danny and walked out. You see Jake is overly protective when it comes to me and his girlfriend. Ever since our dad was killed he took over the ‘man of the home’ title. Ever since that night he won’t let any guy come near me let alone talk to me. It took Jake 8 months to get used me and Tony dating.

“I think you should leave.” I said turning to Danny.

“Yeah you’re probably right. Oh are you going to the party?” it was the party of the year, apparently. Brad Berry always has a big party in the middle of the year for no reason what so ever.

“Yeah Tony is making me.” I said monotone voice.

“Well then I guess you’re going to have to save me a dance.”

“Yeah mhm whatever you say.” I said sarcastically.

“You better.” He said getting up from the bed and walking out the door.


I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a tank top that fit my body perfectly, a grey skirt that fell at mid-thigh, and black converses.  I straightened my dirty blond hair with a big white bow at the top of my head and did my make-up, which consists of black eye liner, mascara, black and grey eye shadow, and a light pink lip gloss.

I went down stairs and saw Tony sitting on the couch in between Jake and Danny. “Are you guys ready to go party?!” I said with fake excitement. All three of them looked up at me. Tony and Danny both had lust in their eyes and Jake well let’s just say I’ve seen that look before.

“Go right back up those stairs and change into some that covers up your body! I don't wan't people to think that you're easy!” Jake said his strict voice.

“No I’m good, i'm pretty sure they know i'm Tony. So let’s get going.” I said trying to ignore the glare Jake is giving me.

“Yeah, you want to ride with me Sammy?” Danny asks winking at me.

“No it’s ok she’s going with me dude.” Tony said wrapping his arm around my waist and glaring at him. Let’s just say that Danny and Tony never ‘got along’. I don’t know why they hate each other, but they do.


We pulled onto the grass right next to Jake and Danny. Tony took my hand and we walked up to the house. As we got near it the music got louder. Walking through the door we were greeted with loud music and the strong smell of alcohol.

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