chapter 14

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Hey guys so it's been a while i know, but hey i blame school. I hope you enjoy............ yeah.


Waking up to the sun shining through the blinds I sat up and stretched out my sore arm muscles. I jumped out of bed and walked down stairs towards the kitchen where I found Danny sitting the table with a bowl of fruit loops in front of him. “Well hello there sleeping beauty, it’s about time you woke up.” He said stuffing his month with cereal.

“It’s only ten that's early for me." i said grabbing his bowl eating the rest. "So what are we going to do today?"

"Well i was thinking about going to the beach and just relax. Watcha think?" he said with shrug.

"That sounds like a mighty fine plan. Ima go get ready then." I said turning around to  leave and get ready. Once in the room i went to bag and pulled  out my black with pink paint splattered bikini. Putting them on i also pulled on my white sun dress along with my white flip flops. Walking back down stairs where Danny was waiting by the front door. "Lets go." We walked to car getting in as Danny opened the door for me. He ran tot the other side and hopped on. 

After twenty minutes we made our way to the beach setting our stuff down on the sand. Pulling off my dress i turned to Danny and saw him staring at my like i was a piece of chocolate cake. "Last one to the water is a rotten egg." and with that i ran. Almost there i felt two arms go around me lifting me up in the air placing me behind him as he took off running into the water. "Hey that's not fair! You cheated!" I yelled running after him.

"Well you didn't say that wasn't allowed. So HA!" he said jumping into the water once he got there. "Come on the water is nice." He said resurfacing. I got to the water and jumped in and swam to where he was.

"Mmmmmmmmmm it is." i said floating on my back relaxing. It was silence for awhile but i didn't think anything of it. Well that was until i felt a hand rap around each ankle putting me down into the water. "Danny!!!!!!" i shrieked when i came back up and found Danny laughing his ass off. "That's it." i said swimming back to land and laying down on my towel closing my eyes.

"Oh come on Sammy i was just having a little bit of fun." I felt Danny down next to me on his towel. He leaned over so half his body was blocking the sun. i opened my eyes and gasped. He looked like an angel with the sun casting a halo like glow around his still wet black hair. Water was over his face dripping on mine. I looked up into his eyes as he looked into mine. Nothing can ruin this moment i thought. But i spoke to soon. My stomach made this embarrass growl like noise making it sound like it was possessed. "Lets get you something to feel the beast." My face blood red. I felt dsio embarrass.

"Uh yeah... sure."

"Up you go.' Danny said lifting me up of the ground. "Lets go to the little hut food thing over there." he said pointing to a small beach side restaurant.

"OK." grabbing his hand and leding the way. Once there we were seated at our table looking over the ocean. 

"Hello i'm Greg your waiter," i looked up to see a cute looking guy about my age maybe older. "how may i help you." he finished giving me a flirty smile.


"She'll Hae a spirte and i'll have a coke please." Danny interupted speaking in an unfriendly tone.

"Right away, sir." Greg mumbled.

"You are being very rude." i snapped at Danny once Greg was out of ear shot.

"He was flirting with you."

"He didn't even talk to me." i glared.

"Well he looked at you..." 

"And... your point?" i said raising an eyebrow. He didn't say anthing after that.

Lunch went by the same as the beginning: me and Danny chated, Greg flirted with me, Danny saying rude comments, and trying to get him to say sorry. "Just go up to him and say sorry right now Daniel Sulk." I glared into his eyes telling him i'm being serous.

"Fine i'll be right back." he mumbled stomping up to Greg saying sorry. He came walked past me towards the car.

"Are you being serous? You're mad at me for making you say sorry?" he didn't answer just go tinto the car. "Real mature." i mumbled getting in and closing the car door. The drive back to his house was quiet and uncomfortable. Once we got into the house i pulled his arm hard, making him turn around looking at me. "Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you... i'm mad at him. When i went up to him he made an innapproperet comment about you to other empolys. So i told him that f i ever see him again i will personaly kick his ass instead of saying sorry."

"Well thank you for sticking up for me, Danny." I said smiling as i kissedc his cheek. "Now that we're here let watch  a movie. ok?" he nodded.

"Ill get the popcorn, you pick the movie." and with that he walked to the kitchen and i looking for a movie. Three minutes later we had and the snacks and the movie about to start when the door bell rung.

"I got it." i said walking to the door opening it.

I was face to face with a VERY angry Jake. "You are i  soooooooo much trouble.''


Mr. Player has a HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ