Nothing more... nothing less...

"(L/N)... can't you just... stop already..?"

"Karma? what are you... you're silly, I think you've had way too much sugar tonight. You know,,, sugar crashes."

She's just too cheerful. I've never seen her cry before. Even when she's mad she still seems cheerful, and it's actually pretty creepy.


I quickly snapped at her and swiftly pulled my hand away out of her grasp. She held her hands to her chest and looked pretty afraid of me when I said this. i felt a tang of regret hit my chest as i looked at her face, scared.

but that soon vanished as she then smiled at me again and giggled with her head slightly tilted.

"Silly Karma. You really are grumpy today. C'mon, let's get you home." She then proceeded to grab my hand, but I swiped it away.

As I said this she looked down, and was quiet for a moment.

"No, I won't."

Before I could even react, she had somehow grabbed my hand again.

I looked at her. I don't understand. She's like a Nagisa. She can creep up on me when she's right in front of my face. She could kill me when I'm less than 1 foot away from her.

And I won't even be suspicious about it.

I took my hand back and started walking ahead of her.

"Just go home (L/N). I-I've got something I need to do"

"Karma.... I-I can't go home! I already told you! I've got something I need to do as well!" Whenever she talks... she's so.. happy... i don't understand how.

"Why do you need to come with me though? I'm not really in the mood to be with a idiot right now"

"Well, we are dating. And well, I just thought, why not? It couldn't hurt if I came along. I mean, we could talk and stuff..."

I sighed. You never understood.

I continued walking and now (L/N) wasn't following. I could tell cause I didn't hear the sound of light, graceful footsteps.

"You're such an idiot... Just, s-shut up and come on already."

I heard her giggle slightly and she then cane running up behind me. Why am I still going this? I need to tell her.

I pressed the button thingy, so I could cross the street. I laughed to myself a bit as I pressed it once for a second. Then a second time. And then a third.

It only made short deep noises. Then i held it down, and it made a long deep. I laughed. It sounded like, "deep, they're still alive in the hospital. Deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeep" they died

I sighed. I really need to tell her.
"(L/N)... Why? Why do you stay with me? I can't give you the happiness you need."

「𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫。」Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now