Chapter 5

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Now, the week after that, is kind of a blur to me, I don't remember exactly what happened, but what i do remember is that I got sick. I think I spent a day in the hospital, just for them to tell me that they had no idea what was wrong with me and I just had to let myself get better naturally. Sometime within those couple days, I couldn't eat anything without being sick.

I remember talking to Elijah on facebook, and he offered to come take care of me for a day or something. I asked my mom and she really liked that idea, so Elijah skipped school and came over to my house and he made sure I took advil when I needed it, and he tried to get me eat. I remember laying on my stomach in bed, and Elijah ever so lightly rubbing my back, and then I fell asleep and woke up hours later being all cuddled up in his chest. I even remember the look he gave me with it bright blue eyes when I moved to I could look at him when I woke up.

At some point after that, we started dating. I don't think we asked each other in some special way, it was more like, we both mutually agreed that it was the right time to start dating. We didn't tell anyone either, as much as everyone found out anyway, we thought it would be better if we let everyone find out on their own rather than us telling everyone. I'm not even kidding you, everything seemed a little bit different after that, we hit that specially honeymoon phase, and we hit it hard.

If we weren't hanging out after school, or he had to work, I would always walk him to his bus, or out of the school parking lot, and I would kiss him and hug him goodbye. We would see each other in the morning and hug each other. He came over at least twice a week, and we would go on a date once a week. Yes when he came over, we would have our own little fun, but not sex, we both agreed not to. One day, he said his dad was letting him take his dad's car out so we could go and do something a couple towns over, I agreed to do something and I was really excited. He came over and walked into my house and come down the stairs to my room to find me still cuddled up in my blankets.

"What are you doing? I thought we were going into town." He said. I smiled and started giggling.

"But I'm so tired!" I said loudly still giggling. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know yet." He answered. "I do need some new clothes. Wanna go to the mall and we can figure it out from there?"

"Yeah sure, just let me actually get dressed." I said. I stood up in my bed and walked across it, Elijah was sitting on the edge of my bed, so when i jumped off, I spun around and kissed him softly with a smile. I walked around the corner to my closet, and I picked out the first shirt, sweater, and pants I could find. After i got dressed, I sat down at my desk and started putting makeup on.

"You really don't need makeup, i hope you know that." Elijah said, as he curiously watched me.

"I know, but i just feel better with it, if I don't wear makeup, I feel naked and ugly." I explained. Elijah laughed and came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I think you look beautiful naked." Elijah said. I stopped putting makeup on and i stared right at him through the mirror. He thought about what he said and we both started laughing. "I think you look beautiful with a naked face." He added. "I think all of you looks beautiful all the time, clothed, naked, sick, all of it." I smiled and i could feel my face go red, good thing for makeup. I quickly finished and turned around to push him on the bed to kiss him.

When we got to the mall, we walked around and went into a lot of stores. Elijah got some shirts, a sweater, and i think a pair of sweatpants. When we were walking back to the car, Elijah asked "Where do you want to go now?" I thought about it for a couple of minutes and then answered him.

"We can go walk down the boardwalk at the lakefront." I said. Elijah really liked that Idea. So that was exactly what we did, it was freezing cold because it was i the middle of fall. But we both enjoyed it, it was sweet and romantic. After we walked up and down the boardwalk, we went out for supper and a little sandwich shop. This is where i found out a lot more about him, and his family.

"I have an idea, bare with me." He said. I nodded. "My family may be big and crazy, but how about you come over tomorrow afternoon and stay for supper?" He said with a smile. I smiled back.

"I think that idea is amazing and i would love to." I answered. After we ate, we decided we would go watch a movie, but on our way to the theater, I got a call from my mom saying that one of my coworkers got into a really bad accident, and she was in critical condition, and one of her daughters had died. I almost started crying but Elijah just held my hand and comforted me.

After our intense thriller movie, we left to go back home, we talked most of the way, but I started falling asleep. Elijah brought me home, and he made sure that i actually got to bed, and then he kissed me on my forehead, and he left.

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