Chapter 3

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Within the next few weeks, I didn't see Elijah, but summer was coming up really fast. At that time I just reminded myself that dating was stupid, and I had school and my friends to focus on. Which is exactly what I did, I studied, finished projects, even little personal ones. I went to concerts with friends, and went to workshops to be an assistant soccer coach. My life was really busy, and only with the same handful of people I was always with, and I really liked it that way.

Once summer officially hit, I was being that soccer coach I was training to be, I had finished 2 personal projects, working weekends at a flea market, and on days where I wasn't doing anything, I spent them on the beach or getting into trouble with my friends.

There was the odd times during the summer where I would see Elijah either longboarding or biking around town, but he never saw me cause I was always in a car, which made everything even more awkward in my point of view I guess. Elijah also messaged me a couple times during the summer, asking how I was, what i was up to, or what i had been doing between then and the last time we talked. I think in everyone one of those conversations, chicken nuggets and the beach always got brought up. I'm not even kidding.

Lets jump forward a couple weeks. Summer ended, I was busy in more school things, like making sure the new young high school students got settled in, in a kinda sorta healthy way. My first period in first semester of grade 11 was a mixed grade communications technology class. Elijah also had a friend my class, so since Elijah had a spare that period, he would always be in my class for the national anthem and the announcements. I didn't even notice him until the end of September when I actually turned around for the announcements and he was only a couple tables behind me. A couple days later, he messaged me saying how cute my outfit was, or how nice i looked that day, and he did that a couple times.

This one day, Elijah started messaging me, and we were talking about coffee, and how i was totally craving some. He had offered to go and get me some, and I had sarcastically agreed to let him bike or walk to Tim Hortons during his very important math class to get me coffee, little did I know, he was already there, skipping with Stephan, and that he had gotten his G2 licence over the summer.

So, when he agreed to bring me a coffee, I obviously didn't believe him. But I did believe him when Stephan went into the wrong class, and went into the class beside mine yelling "FIONA I HAVE YOUR COFFEE! FIONA WHERE ARE YOU?" That teacher luckily thought it was hilarious and corrected him saying I was in the class next door, so he did it again, even FREAKING LOUDER. I swear the whole world could hear him. It was actually hilarious.

After that embarrassing moment, Elijah and I continued messaging back and forth throughout the day, he explained to me that he was going with his family to Canada's Wonderland for Halloween Haunt. I remember saying how I was jelly, and him responding with how he wish he could bring me. THEN, I had the smart idea to bring up the fact that he could drive, and we could go and see a movie the next day. And guess what?! He said yes. I really wasn't expecting him to.

When my dad got home from work on that same friday, we all sat down for dinner, and I was really awkward.

"Whats up Fiona? Something is bugging you." my mom said.

"Well uh. Can I go on a date tomorrow? With a guy from school?" I asked. I was almost positively sure they were going to say no, and I kinda wanted them to as well, I didn't know Elijah, and it was going to be my first actual date ever, I was nervous.

"Is Elijah the guy who walked you halfway home so I could pick you up?" My dad asked. I nodded shyly. "Oh well, he seems pretty cool, if your mother is okay with it, I don't see why you shouldn't go." My dad continued.

Then my mom just looked up from her plate and said. "Yeah sure, just make sure your room is clean. Be back by 3 am at the latest." I choked on my food, and everyone looked up at me, even my moms pet dragon.

"Sorry what?" I asked, I was in complete shock. "You guys don't even know the guy, and you're letting me go on a late night date with him? And You don't expect me back until 3. A M. IN THE MORNING." They both looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, we trust you, and we know that you are picking with who comes in and out of your life, so if you are comfortable with this, so are we." My mom said. I was still in shock. Alright, there is no backing out now, going to see a freaking Horror movie at 10pm, and hes picking me up at an hour and a half before. Why? I still don't know, but, i just rolled with it.

The next day, I had my outfit all picked out, I played with makeup all day, and I dyed my hair, which was for me and not for the date. I was really nervous, but also really excited, I was talking to my cousin and our friend about it, and my mom was really excited for me too.

When Elijah texted me saying he was on his way, I freaked out, and started rushing around to finish getting ready. Even though I was only going to sit in a dark room for a couple hours, I was all about my appearance. I threw my coat on, and went to stand outside my house with my dad while he was having a smoke. When Elijah pulled up, he got out of his car to introduce himself to my dad, and then we walked to his car, and my dad walked with us. My dads first comment wasn't anything like "Keep my daughter safe." it was more like "Wow, this thing is just my car on steroids, thats good, its reliable." I swear I don't have normal parents, but i love them.

On our way to the movie, Elijah missed our turn and we ended up having to take the long way. A part of me didn't care cause we were having a great conversation, but at the same time, I was a little scared because we left for the movie so early, and now we 'missed out turn', you can see where my thoughts go. But, we made it to our movie, a half an hour early. We ended up sitting on a bench until the movie was about to start. When we got into the movie, the only move he pulled, was trying to hold my hand, which was great, and then when we both jumped into each others laps during a jump scare, that was funny and equally embarrassing. After the movie, Elijah kind of, took his time back to my house so we could talk, he even stopped to get gas, and then coffee, we talked about everything, even things you probably shouldn't bring up on a first date. Once he brought me home, it was around 1:30 in the morning. He still was very gentlemanly like and got out of his car and walked me to my front door. I asked him if it was awkward to ask for a hug, he said no and gave be a big tight hug. He started to walk away, well, he took like two steps back, and then he quickly decided to awkwardly kiss me. It was romantic in a total movie way and I loved it. It is still my favourite first date ever.

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