Chapter 2

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For pretty much the whole time I was in highschool, I involved myself in everything I could, so when it came to school concerts, I was there to help out, especially with all the techy stuff. For this concert thing, I was mainly a stage hand, which was really lame, but it turned out for the best. It was at the end of the 'Act1' part of the concert, and Ms. Cole's music class just came off of the stage and it was time for the drama class to perform their stupid 40 minute play based on witches and black magic. I was not excited for this at all cause i knew i could do nothing but sit on my ass for this whole time.

Luckily Ms. Cole, wasn't only a music teacher, but she was also my English teacher, and I had questions to ask her about some project. I sat on this stack of massive rectangles the other drama class had to the side, and I talked to her about everything in class, then one of her music students came and awkwardly stood there until she noticed him.

"Hey Elijah, is everything okay in the class?" she asked.

"What? Yeah." He answered. "I just wanted to know when we were going on the stage next."

They both awkwardly looked over at me cause i was sitting with all the papers in my hand saying when people were going on. Honestly i didn't even notice them staring at me, i was too busy thinking how hot Elijah was. And then he cleared his throat, I remember my face going as red as a tomato as I scrambled through the pages.

"You are the third in line after the intermission." I said and then i hung my head down. Ms. Cole smiled and walked away. I looked at her wide eyed as she did because I really haven't been that, uh, focused on someone in a while.

"I'm Elijah, I don't think we have met, are you new?" He asked. I was shocked, him asking if I was new, everyone in this school knew who I was, I was that one girl who talked to everyone, but yet, I didn't know him, and I was a little insulted.

"I'm Fiona, I've been here since I started high school, so two years. I'm guessing you're not new either?" I answered and asked right back, I really was confused.

"Yeah, I've also been here since I started high school, but I'm in grade 11." He said, I just awkwardly shook my head thinking that maybe that's why i have never met him. Then his best friend Stephan came over and started talking to us. I even knew who Stephan was, a friend of mine tried to get in his pants, frankly, i think that was the awkwardest shut down i ever watched her go through, anyways. Our conversations went on, and the three of us followed each other on instagram, and Stephan showed us a bunch of memes, we all laughed and talked, and then the play was over and it was intermission.

I quickly walked out the doors from backstage to see my childhood best friend Jane. She saw me and started laughing. "You look like you have been drooling over some guy for hours!" She said still laughing at me.

"Yeah! Because I have been!" I practically yelled.

"What?! Who? I wanna know who this guy is!" She said, also confused, her and I have never had the same taste in guys, it's only very rarely, so we both enjoyed being disgusted over each others new eye candy. I looked at her, and I forgot Elijah's name.

"Remember when Rachel was trying to get with Stephan last year?" I said, she nodded already not pleased where I was going. "Yeah, okay, well it's his really heckin hot blonde curly haired best friend." I said really fast, and I got a judging look equally as fast. When we both finished those 3 seconds of weirdness, Rachel walked up and interrupted.

"Elijah Charles? Yeah he's okay." She said. I looked at her confused.

"Elijah is gross." Jane said. I quickly got frustrated.

"Why does everyone know who he is but me?!" I said really loudly. They both shrugged.

"He's hot, and really nice. He's one of the chillest stoners in town, everyone knows who he is." Rachel explained.

"Yeah! Everyone but me!" I practically yelled. Both boys looked over from across the foyer in the front of the school. My face went red and I quickly left to go backstage and hide.

At the end of the night, I packed up my things and started walking towards the front of my school. I saw Elijah standing there, he looked a little frustrated, I walked up to him and he looked at me with a half smile. "I have to walk home now, and I was really hoping my parents would pick me up." He said, he actually looked pretty bummed. Luckily I saw the opportunity and I took it.

"Well, i wouldn't mind the company if you would like to walk with me to Macs?" I asked with a smile and a did a shy little half spin back and forth. He looked at me with a grin.

"Yeah, I think I would like that." He said. I smiled and we walked out the door, I looked over at Jane and I could see how she was internally face palming because we both knew I had no idea what I was doing. At the time I had no idea that asking him to walk to Macs with me would be extending his walk by pretty much another half an hour.

When we got to the corner store, My dad was there waiting to drive me the rest of the way home. Elijah and I awkwardly hugged, and then we were both on our ways.

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