Happiness Is A Warm Gun

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She's not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do, oh yeah 
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand like a lizard on a window pane.The man in the crowd with the multi-colored mirrors on his hobnail boots. Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime.A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the National Trust. I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
Mother Superior jump the gun - The Beatles

In 1991 after your tour promoting your new album, Rust in Peace, we began to take things slow and began to drift out of the fast lane for just a few moments. I was still working on a movie, but since the filming and production was almost done you and I decided it would be best if we just settled down for a bit, get married, and possibly even have a family. It was nice to be this laid back and care free. No one, not even you nor me, could constantly keep up the hardheaded rebel act for 24 hours and 7 days a week. It would get exhausting and tiring, and sure drugs and hardcore sex was always a great thing, but after a while it was boring and tiresome. I got tired of snorting coke every night. In some ways I guess you can say I just wanted to return to my old. Not necessarily with my mother, but when we were just young stupid prepubescent teenagers. Life was so much easier and much more simpler back then. We didn't have to worry about anything. Yeah, money, sex, and drugs were nice too, but once you buy into that dream it kinda morphs and fucks with you; not just physically but mentally as well.

However, times like these are really what made life worth living for me, and it's also what differentiated you from the rest of the famous drug addicts that just seemed to be around every corner in the music and movie industry. You proposed to me in the summer of 1990, and exactly a year later we were married in Hawaii. It was such a nice time. For the first time in forever I felt like myself again. I wasn't posturing, I wasn't acting, I was just me, and you adored me for that. I was special to you. It was like I was the only woman that existed in your entire world.

I dyed my hair back to blonde and the blue color in my eyes began to come back from it's dull faded out dazed grayish hue. I stopped taking hardcore drugs for a while now since I wanted to look my best for you. I just didn't do it for you, but always for myself. When I was younger, even when we were dating and as recently as a few months ago I could never imagine you marrying me. You never seemed like the type to settle down and want a family; let alone a wife.
When those four important words fell out from between your lips I thought I was hallucinating. For as long as I have known you you have never expressed really any interest in being tied down; especially when we were younger. Matrimony was nothing but pain and suffering until the day you died to you. I can't necessarily say I could blame your warped view of marriage. Your whole childhood was practically ruined due to marriage. It was shit with your birth father and still shit with your religious step father. Even to this day those two are what you have and always will hold contempt for. So as expected you could only imagine my shock when you so lightly asked for my hand for the rest of my life.
Everything couldn't be better. It couldn't get better than this. Light pink gloss glazed my thin lips, my blonde hair laid spread across my shoulders and back, and my white dress looked like it came straight out of a Disney movie. I truly did feel like a princess. And for the first time in my life I didn't mind it. I felt feminine, beautiful, and attractive,  yet I didn't feel fake or out of place one bit. Dare I say I completely adored this new innocent blushing bride part of me. I was entirely ready to be entirely dedicated to you. I was before, but it would never compare to that bitter sweet yet thoroughly zealous feeling that was souring and exploding within me at that very moment. Yet, again you bring out and uncover a new piece of me that I never knew existed before.

As you slid the small yet extravagant piece of jewelry onto my dainty finger I felt only fireworks within my body explode as I internally went completely numb. I began to softly and almost inaudibly weep. You looked concerned for a second, but  began to airily grin towards me as you saw a small smile grace my lips as only happiness seemed to flood my eyes. I began to laugh in embarrassment and shyness instantaneous consumed my body as you cradled my small hands with your large ones.  After we both finished our vows  and gently kissed each other everyone present dispersed and went back to their hotels. You and I on the other hand walked across the soft sandy beach as the bright sun began to fall and illuminate the surrounding skies with a rose pink tint and light blue undertones. My dream was finally coming true. I now completely have you, and you now completely have me. You weren't just receiving and neither was I. While, you have poured yours I've poured mine. All was full of love.

Once we arrived at our small yet spacious room near the end of the beach we stepped into the rental and instantly began to strip each other of our clothes. However, unlike before there wasn't this rush or fast pace to it all. Both of our movements were stuttered ,and we both acted rather awkwardly around each other like we have never bedded each other before. But, once on the bed the passion and fire came back, but it didn't burn like last time. It wasn't aggressive that last time. It was tender and soft, yet still entirely passionate and loving. I felt like a virgin again. Being with you like this felt like our first time together again.  The things you do endear you to me. At the very moment I realized how long I've loved you. I'm willing to wait a lonely lifetime just for you. Keep in mind that I'm not exactly a woman who misses much. For the real first time in a long while I felt like someone in love. When with you I was more than acquainted with touch of the velvet hand. With you I knew I was shot. Happiness is a warm gun.

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