Make It Awful

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Make it awful
It's your life it's your party it's so awful
Let's start a fire
Let's have a riot! Yeah it's awful
It was punk
Yeah it was perfect now it's awful
They know how to break all the girls
like you
And they rob the souls of the girls like you
And they break the hearts of the girls - Hole 

The hot summer days in California would soon be replaced the slightly cooled brick air of Fall in the small suburban town of La Mesa. That also meant Summer Break was coming to an end as well. School was starting up tomorrow and I was nothing, but fearful. My first year at the local highschool around actual people. Sure I have been around actual people, but being around people my own age was very rare and barely ever happened. So given this you could only imagine how out of place I was.

I had my strawberry blonde hair draped down upon my shoulders, while cherry red lipstick stuck to my thin yet full lips. My ocean blue eyes were crystal clear, but clearly showed at least a moderate amount of dread, sickness, and lack of sleep. My dress on the other hand was long and white with only a few black checked patterns found on the bottom of the dress and on its short sleeves. I looked like I belonged out of those old black and white television shows like Father Knows Best or something like that.

While walking to school I saw you and your sister walking down the same street I was. I wanted to go over and talk to you then and there, but my awkwardness hindered me and crippled my chance to talk to you. Accepting my cowardice I went on my way to the local high school.

All day I was just there. No one talked to me, no one bothered me, and I assume no one knew my existence. Except for you.

I was running down the halls to my next class as I bumped into you. I crashed onto the floor as your auburn eyes gazed down towards me confused, annoyed, and angered. The fuck is wrong with me? A finally run into a cute boy (quite literally) and I blow my chance with him.

I began to scrabble around dirtying my long ankle length dress and scraping up my ancient black and white Oxford shoes. As I began gathering my books you began to crouch down to help me huddle together the rest of my belongings.

As we finished composing ourselves I looked up towards your around 6 foot stature as I squeaked out a small 'Thank you', 'Sorry', and 'I promise it won't happen again', etc. However this only seemed to only aggravate you further as your face seemed to be stuck in this permanent frown.

You muttered out a 'no problem' as you began to walk away. 'Crap!', I thought to myself. I can't have you get away that easily. You probably think I'm some dork or something. Hell, I already look like I came out of the fifties.

"Wait!", I cried out catching your attention, "What's your name?"

You turned towards me with this nonchalant gaze present in your eyes and this spunky nihilistic attitude that only seemed to further attract me to you. It was punk, it was new, it was awful, terrible, and everything I was not.

"It's Dave." You groaned out uninterested. As you spoke those two words to me it became even more clear how much I wanted you. Guys like you are trouble. Guys like you rob the hearts and souls of young girls like me. Guys like you manage to break the hearts of girls like me. But you knew what you were doing. You were trying to break an innocent girl like me. It's so awful, and I was stupid, but you were so beautiful. I knew from that day on you were making my life a riot, akin to some out of control fire that couldn't possibly be quieted or settled down. 

After those few short moments in the hall I was completely dazed and confused on cloud nine. As I walked my way home I couldn't help, but stare at you from cross the street at times. Every time I did I felt this sort of giddiness and impulsiveness run through me. It was like I was given new life through you. However, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for thinking such things. It was after all improper for a young girl to think that was about a man, much less of one she didn't even really know. It intern made me even more flustered by the thought of doing something bad. It's funny now that I think more about it actually it was simultaneously so perfect yet so awful. And I didn't mind or regret it one bit not even for a second. I wanted a person like you to come into my life, wreck it, and make it awful.

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