"We'll be there shortly,"

"The general requests your presence immediately, sir,"

Master Windu looked down at me "No rest for the weary." He handed his papers to the trooper "Put these inside my quarters, would you?"

"Yes, sir,"

I felt a disturbance as the door opened "Trooper!" I screamed as an explosion rang out.

"Are you alright?" Master Windu asked. I only nodded as I tried to get the ringing out of my ears "Trooper!"

"Master Windu he's dead," I informed him.


"You're lucky to be alive." Master Skywalker told us as he came into the room "And our trooper?"

"Dead," Master Windu informed

"This was no accident,"


"Admiral, has the navigation been damaged?"

"Hobbled, not destroyed. Systems are repairable. I've ordered shutdown of all engines until we're fully operational. We'll hold orbit over vanqor," The Admiral explained

"Any sign of attack ships?"

"None. But we'll keep scanning. Until we get navigation back, the endurance is a fat and easy target. I won't have it," I knew who the attacker was and snuck out so I could find him, knowing him he would head to the next thing possible in order to finish the job... the reactor.


I walked into the reactor as he shot Ct-1477, he was about to shoot the reactor when I stepped out "Hello Boba," he turned and pointed the weapon at me "You wouldn't hurt me would you," He walked towards, the weapon still raised at me. I was about to reach for my lightsaber when I felt his lips on mine. I couldn't help myself as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands going through his hair.

Once up for breath, he spoke "I've missed you so much Sky,"

"I've missed you too. But Bane...he..."

"I know...I wanted so much to take you away but..."

"Shh. It's over now, I'm out, I'm free,"

"Free... you're a Jedi. The same kind of person that killed my father,"

"Boba. You know me..." he walked off "Boba, there are escape pods. We can escape together, live on our own,"

"You'd leave your life at the Jedi temple to run away with me?"

"I love you Boba," I told him "All you have to do is forget this revenge spree,"

"I can't," he fired but thanks to my training I was able to dodge it and got out of there. Once out of the reactor I saw the chaos that was forming.

"Boba what have you done," I ran for Master Windu, he had the right to know. "Master Windu,"

"Padawan Cyneus. I want you to be with the cadets on the escape pods,"

"But Master..."

"That's an order padawan," I sighed and ran off again. "Sir, Master Windu recommended I go with the cadets to ensure their safety,"

"Understood. Very well pick a pod," I looked around and finally saw Boba.

"You're not getting rid of me that easy," I told him.

"I was hoping not to," Boba smirked

"Whoa cool we get to ride with a Jedi," A cadet claimed

"Set rendezvous coordinates with the other pods at a safe distance from the cruiser. See you at rendezvous mark six." A trooper said

With such a small space I couldn't stop Boba as he caused the pod to malfunction. "We missed the rendezvous!"

"I can't stop it!"

"We're lost,"

"What happened?" I glared over at Boba as he looked normal "Do we still have control?"

I looked over the controls "Navigation's shot. Looks like our pod was damaged in the escape,"

"Can we steer?"

I shook my head "No,"

"How about fuel?"

"No feed. We're dead weight,"

"So w-what do we do?"

I looked at the cadets and remembered what Master Skywalker said, even if he was only wanting to show off "We do our jobs, and not freak out," the cadets all nodded. I looked over at Boba as I heard a familiar engine.

"What was that?"

"I don't know,"

"Rescue ship?"

"It's too early,"

"What, then?"

The airlock hissed open "Well, what do we have here?" I glared over at Boba as I heard the familiar voice "You boys look lost. Congratulations, Boba. Job well done,"

I guarded the cadets from her as Aurra came into view, but one escaped me "His name's not Boba. He's Lucky,"

"Lucky?" Aurra laughed "That's a good one,"

"You're with her?"

"I wasn't expecting you to bring friends along,"

"I couldn't help it, Aurra. What are you gonna do with them?" Boba asked

"What do you think?"

"Let them go?"

Aurra and I both scoffed "They're living witnesses, honey,"

"That was never part of the plan! I just wanted to kill the Jedi that murdered my father,"

"Well, that will have to wait." Aurra leaned towards his face and I couldn't help but feel protective towards him as well "Grow up. You'll get your revenge in time. Now, get on board. We have to get out of here. Or you can go with your friends who I'm going to jettison into the unknown. That would be poetic,"

Boba looked over at me

"I'm staying with the cadets," I told him. Boba took out a gun and pointed it at me "You wouldn't shoot me,"

"No, but I will shoot one of them. Now get on the ship," Boba said I looked over at the cadets and back at cadet. I walked inside the ship and Boba walked behind me, ensuring I wouldn't escape. I turned my head as the escape pod was jettisoned off.

"You crazy..." I was about to hit him but he pinned my arm against the wall and began to kiss me. I used the force to push him off. "The Jedi will come looking for me," I told him

"Problem solved, use you as bait to get Boba's revenge and give her back to Bane," Aurra noted

"No!" But it wasn't me that shouted it was Boba. "She stays with me,"

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