I sigh at her question, and pause the game giving her my complete attention. "first of all, let me say it again, I believe in half of what I see, nothing that I hear like for example this silly thing that your trying to convinced me about that demon exist and EVERYTHING THAT I FEEL!" I exclaimed brusquely while counting them off with my fingers

Then turning back around and resuming the game

"Besides aren't you supposed to be telling me stuffs like I don't know" my voice lowered and I shrugging my shoulder "girlfriend, boyfriend and relationship stuffs"

"I WOULD IF YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU ABOUT THEM." she shrieked, telling me about my normal behavior of not really caring about stuffs like that, annoyance clearly visible in her tone and I snort at her 'attempt' of an epic come back

"Whatever" I alleged rolling my eyes

Within a second her phone begins to ring, and she stepped out to take the call,

Few minutes later she sprinted into the hall squealing like a high school teen who won tickets to see her favorite boy band concert.

This making me rolling my eyes in annoyance. Not wanting to be the bad guy and kick her out of the room I turn around facing her, my head tilted to the side irritation painted my face as I watched her.

Knowing me well she playfully wave me off and rush next to me.

Closing my eyes swallowing a breath of air and exhaling it out with a sigh I reopened them looking back at her who wore sparkling animated eyes.

Feeling a light urge of nervousness I asked sloppily in a Borden "What is it😑"

"Oh-my-god-Suri-ah,-can-I-borrow-your-low-cut-silk-dark-blue-dress-you-know-the-one-without-the-straps,-you-know,-that-one-with-the-diamond-print-patterns-on-it... please" she asked in a single breath holding her hands up towards her mouth, fingers tightly intertwined, eyes filled with hope and plea, and lower lips shoving out pouting cutely at me.

"Nah-uh" I retract, vigorously shaking my head from side to side like a stubborn child

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee" she begged doing one of her hard to resist aegyos

"Uh fineeee" I sigh in defeat

"What's the occasion?" I asked wanting to know the most important question as to why she needs this dress specifically

"Well..." She said grinning shyly, her toes swaying side to side on the floor with her free hand rubbing the back of her neck, something she tends to do when nervous "Ji-Hyun wants to take me out on our first romantic date" she muttered a light shade of pink crept up her neck to her cheeks coating them.

My mouth wide open as I stared at her in disbelief.

"Yah stop looking at me like that you know how I feel about him, and besides it's our 'first real' date not the 'let's get physical hook up' dates that we normally share so behave like my best friend and give me moral support" she whining like an embarrassed child, with blush staining her cheeks

I sigh

Getting up from my position on the floor after pulsing my game and climb towards my room and towards my closet mumbling under my breath before opening and pulling out the dress handing it to her with a heavy heart,

It took everything I had in me to hand it over to her.

She smiled victoriously and clapped her hands together excitedly before fishing it from my hands.

"Thank you Suri you're the best," she exclaimed emotionally jump-hugging me "I'll tell you all about it when I'm back" at her words she let go grinning.

"Please don't" I plead in distressed, wearing a desperate face and pleading eyes. She giggled and pull my cheek.

"You're so cute" she babied her voice letting go of my cheeks. Heading to her room and turning off the light. As she get ready for her date, I played the game feeling depressed. Her voice ached my ears as she came out asking. "How do I look", I turned to face her, my breath caught in my throat

"Beautiful", I breath out, the dress was gracefully holding her curves in place amplifying her physique. The dazzling diamond patterns making her eyes pop a little more than the eyeliner effect had, and the silver heel giving her the right touch.

She blushed at my comment saying "thanks potato, see you tomorrow". Then rushing to the door and closed it behind her as she left

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" my voice echoed within the facility of the apartment.

Making myself comfortable on the floor. Then as if like a whisper I heard her retort with

"Which isn't saying much since you never do anything!" her sentence making me laugh out before resuming the game. But as if time had stop my hands stood frozen in the air as I heard the darkness confessed

"It's been a while but I have finally found you my dearest Suri-ah." I almost got whiplash from the force of the speed I used to swing my head around to the source.

And that was the last thing I heard before dropping the controller


you can find this story on inkitt how ever every update will be here before on inkitt happy reading dont forget to comment, vote and follow me so you wont miss a chapter when i update salanghaeyo 

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