30th December

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Demi pov

Today it is my wife's birthday and we are celebrating her birthday with my family and we are going out for a meal later but i have got her birthday present i can't wait to see the look on her face. Mum can you come here please yes demi what is the matter i have got something for her it is a beautiful necklace with our initials on it and i love it is beautiful. Babe I need you could you come here please hey beautiful what is the matter says kaz i have something for you what is it open it to find out.

Kaz pov

As dem calls me to come to her and she said that she has got me something for my birthday and i am excited to see what it is and i came from upstairs to see dem and i walked in she handed me a wrapped up box she said open it i unwrapped it to find a blue rectangled box and i opened it there was the most beautiful necklace in there and it had our initials on it and i started to cry with happiness and i said thank you dem that is beautiful babe i love it so much and she said come here and give me a hug and i walked over to her and i hugged her and i kissed her.

Demi pov

After kaz opened the box and the look on her face she was shocked and she started to cry with happiness and she thank you for this lovely present and i said give me a hug so she walked to me and i pulled her into a hug and we kissed each other and i said we need to go and get ready because we are going out for your birthday meal it is me you mum dad dallas and Maddie i cant wait to see your face when we get there so we all went to go and get ready and i placed my hand into hers and we walked upstairs to my old room and got ready and i put kaz's necklace on for her.

Kaz pov

Demi told me that we are going out for a meal with dianna, eddie, dallas and Maddie we walked upstairs to dem's old room and we got ready for this meal and then when i came out of the bathroom dem said you look sexy and i said thank you are you going to get ready now and she said yes that she is going to get ready now and then she walked out i said you look sexy and beautiful and she said thank you are you ready now she said  and i said yes let's go downstairs and I placed my hand into hers and we walked down and dianna and Eddie with dallas and Maddie said wow you both look beautiful women can we take a photo of you two and then we all walked out to the car

And we got into the car and Eddie dianna were in the front and me demi dallas were in the back behind dianna and Eddie and maddie was in the very back of the car and me,demi we held hands and by the time it was time to get out of the car and then ...

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And we got into the car and Eddie dianna were in the front and me demi dallas were in the back behind dianna and Eddie and maddie was in the very back of the car and me,demi we held hands and by the time it was time to get out of the car and then we got into the restaurant it was my favourite restaurant and eddie said that there was a table booked for us and he said de la garza and the waiter  walked us to our table and we sat down at the table and we order our drinks with in an hour the waiter  came with our drinks and then he said do you need more time for looking at the menus and we said yes and then he came back and we placed our orders he said to me what would you like and i said stake chips and peas please with gravy and he said yes ok i will be back with your orders.

Demi pov

When we all walked in to the restaurant my dad said to the waiter that there is a table booked forus under de la garza and the waiter walked us to our table and we sat down at the table and we order our drinks with in an hour the waiter came with our drinks and then he said do you need more time for looking at the menus and we said yes then he said i will be back to place the orders and we toasted to katie and said happy birthday and said cheers and clinked glasses and i said to her that i love her a lot and then the waiter came back and asked us what we want and i said could i have pasta bake please and then he asked kaz what she wants and she said stake chips and peas please with gravy and he said yes ok i will be back with your orders and we waited for our dinner and the waiter came back with our dinner and we ate and they brought out a birthday cake and they started to sing happy birthday and she blew out the candles and she cut the cake and then we had the cake and the dad asked for the bill and then we got up from the seats and i placed my hand into hers and we walked out of therestaurant and walked to the car and it was time to go home and we drove home and when we got in home we were tired me and kaz so we said good night to mum and dad and dallas and Maddie we walked upstairs to my old room and we got ready for bed and then we slipped into bed and kaz said thank you for this lovely day and i said your welcome and i love you kaz ans she said love you too dem and then we talked for a bit and then i sunngled up to her and drifted off to sleep.

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