Chapter 7

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~One week later...

John found himself at a fancy French restaurant with Alex

"Lexi thank you for taking me here," He was cut off by an awfully familiar voice to Alex.

"Monsieur Hamilton!" it was non-other, then Lafayette

"Laff my buddy!" Alex exclaimed, and fist bumped Lafayette

"Laff! It's good to see you again!" Lafayette looked in John's direction, eyes wide, then wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"John! Long-time no see!" Alex looked at them in confusion.

"Oh Lexi, Lafayette and I are childhood friends." John informed Alex.

"Ok, hey Laff can we get two bowls of spaghetti?" Alex asked

"Two bowls of spaghetti for the love birds," Lafayette scribbled their order in a notepad

"and for dessert we'll have the deep-fried ice-cream."

"what flavour would you like?"

"vanilla is fine for me" Alex said

"I'll have chocolate" John said. And with that Laff walked away without another word.

"Alex, are you sure you want the vanilla?" "it's rather... plain."

"well if it's as sweat as you, I'm sure I'll love it" Alex winked (JFC. Rin's pick up line 101). John blushed. When the meals came, John started picking at his bowl of spaghetti. Alex said

"well the spaghetti isn't going to eat itself." Alex joked, John smiled and ate his meal. Then the dessert came.

"enjoy!" Lafayette smiled and walked off to Hercules, who was at the front desk, unamused.

"wow... this tastes delicious!" Alex said, John smiled and ate his dessert.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't fully pay for the meal John." Alex said with a sense of guilt in his voice

"Alex don't stress yourself. I have a surprise for you at my place!"

When they got to John's apartment, he opened the door and to Alexander's surprise there was a banner saying, 'WELCOME HOME ALEX!' Alex was on the verge of tears, John hugged him and said

"welcome home buddy." Alex's phone vibrated, it was a text form Adam.

'Hey Lion, John asked if I could move your stuff to his place. So, you're going to be living with John now, please come and visit us when you have time.' He got settled after unpacking and gently placed the photo of his mother, his brother and himself on the bedside table. And next to that photo was a photo of Alex and John, standing side to side, John doing bunny ears to Alex. Alex grabbed his journal and flipped back to the page where he wrote, "look out for blue (grey) eyes in the city tomorrow" put a line through it and wrote a note saying, 'Your soulmate:' and glued in a photo of John next to it.

Nearly done 1 more chapter!!!!!

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