Chapter 5

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~Alex's POV~

The next day was a bit of a lazy day for Alex until, Adam came into the room with a small rectangular box wrapped in blue (grey) paper. He placed the box on the desk and told Alex it was for him then left for work. Alex looked at it for a while then, Vanessa looked up from the book her face was buried into and said, "the gift won't open itself." Alex nodded and started to unwrap the present, it was a phone. He dashed upstairs without another word, there was a letter in the box say 'Dear Lion I bought this phone for you so that you can call and text me or Vanessa whenever you want FROM: ADAM'

It had already been set up with Vanessa and Adam's details. Alex loved it so much he hugged it. Vanessa said she was going to meet up with a couple of her friends later and asked he wanted to come, he agreed on coming. He thought maybe one of them might be his soulmate. "oh, and you have to be at the book store at 5 kay?" Alex nodded.

When they arrived at the café they took a seat, they had ordered sandwiches and had a short conversation. Then out of nowhere a tall man with curly hair came up to the table Alex and Vanessa were sitting at

"Bonjour, mademoiselle." Said the man, his French accent thick. A smaller man with darker skin and a grey beanie walked up behind him. They both had brown eyes so, Alex wrote a note to himself 'not one of these guys'. "Oh, this is Alexander, but you can call him Alex."

"bonjour monsieur Hamilton!" The Frenchman said

"nice to meet you..." Alex stopped

"Oh, je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette"

"stop joking around Laff" the other man butted in

"Just call him Lafayette. I'm Hercules Mulligan, his soulmate."

Alex simply nodded. Whilst eating the sandwiches Lafayette asked a question total out of the grey (see what I did there) "so, Alex. Have you found your soulmate yet?"

"no, unfortunately not" Alex replied.


Vanessa waved good bye to the other two, she read her watch it said 4:55. "Hey, Alex I'm going to drop you of at the book store now kay?" Alex remembered the thing about the book store.

When they arrived, Vanessa was in a rush to get somewhere so before she left she said "go to the place you found the book I bought you. Someone will either be there waiting, or they will be there soon, bye." And with that she was gone. Alex walked inside and found the spot where he had found Macbeth, the place he had found the book in was now replaced with a new copy of the same book. He sat on the floor and looked at his watch "4:59 this person should be here any minute now."

cliffhanger? IDK

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