Chapter 1

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~Alexander's POV~

Alexander was so excited for today. He woke up at 4am, an hour before he had to be at the airport. He grabbed his suitcase, hat and put his vest on. He bolted out the door, so fast he was basically a blur.

Alex was so early to the airport that he was waiting for his flight for at least 3 hours. He sighed, staring at all the people walking past. 'man,' he thought 'why do people wear such a dull colour?' But the problem is to you and me, it's a very vibrant colour. In fact, it's a very common colour we see it almost everywhere, it's the colour blue. Alex couldn't see the colour blue, it appeared grey to him. "I wonder when I'll find my soul mate." He sighed.

"Flight 987New York," the speakers blared "is ready for departure." Alex grabbed his suitcase and walked over to the line of his flight.

He was reading a book but soon got bored of it and, before he realised it, he had fallen asleep.

Alex woke up startled. The plane had a bumpy landing.

"stupid pilot." He muttered under his breath.

He stared at the photo of his cousin, Adam, and Adam's soulmate Vanessa. He looked around the crowded airport of New York City, then finally out of the corner of his eye he spotted them. He ran over to them shouting "Adam, Adam!" "Over here!" The couple looked over in his direction and smiled. Once Alex got to them he held out his hand and said, "It's good to see you again, Adam!" Adam, obviously not used to being so formal, looked at Alex's hand in confusion. Soon realising Alex wanted to give him a hand shake, he shook his head and pulled Alex into an embrace,

"I missed you Lion." Alex stood there, his brown eyes wide 'did he just call me Lion?' Nobody had called him that in years, there was no one around to call him anything. Alex felt a tear run down his cheek, Vanessa looked at him with concern filling her grey (supposably blue) eyes. He gave her a smile the reassured her that he was fine. The drive back to the house was silent and awkward, so Vanessa decided to start a conversation (that didn't last very long) "So Alex, how was the trip?" she questioned him

"Well," his voice trailed off "I was asleep of most of the flight, but it was a very bumpy landing, so I woke up."

Adam looked over to Alex from the passenger seat

"You hungry Lion?" he asked Alex, smiling. Alex nodded slightly "I thought you would be, you slept for most of the flight anyway."

Once they got to Adam and Vanessa's apartment, Adam pulled out the keys to the house and unlocked the door. Alex's mouth was gaping open at the sight of all the valuables the couple had. "It's not much but, make yourself at home." Alex felt as though he was going to cry again, he felt as though he had family again.

Sorry if the chapter is short. The story is actual really long.

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