✿The Flowers✿

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Keith. A man who broke many hearts without a care. Keith. A thief of many lost souls. A man who could trick you in a heartbeat. One who did not care about you, but you cared for him too much. Someone who would cheat on you with many others. A man who felt nothing for you in the beginning. That's why they were here. That's why they haunt and scar me. He's why I'm like this.

Flowers were always beautiful. Blooming, bursting out in the spring, showing off their beautiful colors. Their petals soft and sweet. Flowers could do no harm except maybe make you sneeze when the wind blew and tickled your nose. They sit on the soft plush grass just gloating on their beauty. They danced to the song the wind sang on those soft autumn breezes. They would rest when winter came, but these flowers were not like the others.

Thorns sharp and pointy. Tearing through my skin to the point of permanent damage. Blood and scars run deep in my skin, not showing any mercy. Day after day the thorns pricked at my stomach as lungs taunting me. Blood and petals daily flew out of my mouth, prickling my throat making it raw. I will never be the same.

Everyone was scared of me. I could not leave my house or kids would scream. I felt like a disease. I couldn't even see my family because they were so terrified. If only I hadn't met him maybe I would've been happy with my family. Maybe I could've stayed with mi familia. Maybe I could go get some ice cream with a dazzling beautiful man. One who cared. A man who loves me for me. Someone who cuddles and gives me butterfly kisses and sends me cute little texts. Someone who doesn't criticize me or tell me what to do. Doesn't judge me on how I sit or how I laugh. A man who loved me for who I really am.

One who didn't care about all my flaws and looked past the dark part of me. Someone who would talk to me in the darkest hours of night to cheer me up. One who didn't take my mental issues as a fucking joke. One who doesn't endlessly beat my ass saying I will never find love ever. Maybe one day I will find him. I wish that day had come. I wish I found that man. Maybe if I could've had more time, but I was too late wasn't I? Now I lay in those dreaded flowers that had consumed me. I now lay on that plush grass where I meant Keith. If only I had one more chance. If the flowers hadn't consumed me maybe I could've changed him. Maybe I could've found better love. If only I had let him go, but I was to stupid, huh? Hehe.  Man, this is dumb. I died beautifully yet there was an ugly truth to that patch of flowers. Maybe if I had more time. Just maybe I could've stopped before it was too late. I should've realized that sooner. If only I made every maybe come true. Then would the world be brighter?

I wish I could've saved you Keith. Now you suffer from all the blood stained deep in your hands. Ever relationship you've had ended harsh. That should've been the big red warning sign for me. I could've saved myself from something that is so stupid... I wish you luck in your next life. I'll see you one day


Heyo my lovelies! This was a last minute thingy do. I will be doing alone part two next or part two of Phantom of the Opera, depends on what mood I'm in. This is really late at night and I should be in bed, but I can't seem to close my eyes haha,, I've been kinda down in the dumps lately which is why this one shot may be a tad bit shitty. I hope you guys have/ had a great day. From your non binary pal, Oliver

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