Part 12

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Hoseok brings you to the hospital and nurses immediately rush to you after seeing your shaking body and once again, Hoseok is left outside to wait for you.

For that moment, he finally cries the pain out. He knows to himself that the fight is all over, that the both of you are losing but even so he keeps hoping, he keeps hoping that everything is just a nightmare and that when he wakes up, you're perfectly fine but after several pinches and slaps to himself, he realizes that this is all true. You're dying and the chemotheraphy is also a burden to you.

For pete's sake you are already in stage four! Only a very small percentage of living is left and your body can't handle the pain anymore.

He wants to give up but he never tells you because he thinks it will just hurt you so he stops himself from saying so and remains as your cheerful and loving husband even if deep down inside, he's already hurting, he's already giving up.

Suddenly, your doctor comes out with a gloomy aura around him that made Hoseok's heart beat rapidly in nervousness.

"I'll be straight with you Mr. Jung. There's only a very, very small chance for your wife to live but as what I've said, never lose hope. The decision is still on you," the doctor says then taps Hoseok's shoulder before leaving.

Hoseok wipes away his tears and smiles as he enters the room. As you see him, there's no sign of sadness in him. He looks happy, full of hope but you don't know that behind those smiles is a crying and hurting Hoseok.

His smiles may bring hope in you but you can't take the pain anymore and you've already accepted your fate so even if it hurts, you've decided what's best.

Weakly, you smile at Hoseok and hold his hand with your cold hand. "L-love," you call him using a very weak voice.

"Yes, love?"

Your tears starts streaming down your face. Hoseok feels like he already knows what you're about to say, making his happy mask fall from his face as you finally see his real expression; the hurting and crying Hoseok. It also hurts you to see your beloved husband hurt but you know you're just wasting time and money so you finally say, "Hoseok, let's stop this. It's not working anymore. I'm dying and I've already accepted that. Let's just go home and spend my remaining days together with our kids."

Hoseok starts trembling as sobs escapes his lips. He hugs you tight while shaking his head. "N-no, love. P-please, hold on."

You finally release the pain in your chest as you sob uncontrollably. It hurts accepting the truth but this is what's best. You're tired and you'll die eventually so why waste more time and money, right?

"H-Hoseok, p-please. I'm tired. I just want to rest and spend my remaining days with Jihee and Cheonsa. Love, it's over. I'm dying and we have to accept that." Hoseok pulls away and kisses your forehead with his trembling lips and nods as he has now also accepted the bitter fate of you and him. "If that's what you truly want, then okay, let's go home."

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