Part 10

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Your radiotherapy session starts today. You were nervous but Hoseok is still there, cheering you up even though he's very hurt in the inside.

You enter the room, hands sweating and feeling cold in nervousness. The doctor had perform your therapy for the first time. It was painful and you wanted Hoseok to be with you but unfortunately he can't.

Months, you've been under radiation therapy for months but you're not getting better. You're seizures attacks more often at the same time your memory loss increases. You're far too different from the Y/N that was cheerful and lively. Months of theraphy made you thin and unlively.

The doctor have decided to switch to chemotherapy. In this therapy, it also affects your good cell, not only the cancer ones.

Months of being under chemotherapy made your hair fall off. You're losing hope, feeling weak but everytime you see Hoseok, your hope and your sunshine, he makes you feel brave enough to fight.

It was tough. All the chemicals and medicines you take in makes you feel tired all day. You weren't able to cook for Hoseok, take care of the kids and help Hoseok prepare for work. It makes you weak and cry to the realization that your therapies aren't that helpful when the doctor suddenly said that you've reached stage four.

Unlucky, unfortunate it is, but Hoseok being hopeful, he again persuade you to keep going. It hurts everytime but you continue to fight, not only for you, but because you want to see your kids grow and spend more time with them. You want to see them graduate, have a family of their own, take care of your grandchildren and grow old with Hoseok just like what you dreamed off.

But those dreams seem to be falling apart as your cancer eats you. You forgot a lot of things, unable to move sometimes, the seizures, headaches, everything about your cancer makes your dream slowly turn into ashes. You just want to give up but it saddens you to leave this world early, to leave your kids at a very young age because they need you. They need a mother to love and take care of them and so...

You fight even if it's so difficult to fight now.

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