Chapter 29 ~ The Fight

Start from the beginning

He pulled away a little, his cheeks still a light red. "Neither do I. I don't know why I said that," he muttered.

"It's fine, trust me," I winked, leaning in for another short kiss.

"What's happening here?!" A firm voice asked, and I snapped my head towards the sound.

I could feel all the color drain from my face when my eyes settled on Mr. Evans. He was glaring at Zayn who was holding Mike by his collar.

Students were now gathering around all five of us, curious about what was going on.

Zayn swallowed hard, letting go of a bleeding Mike, who instantly slumped to the floor. Thankfully, Zayn didn't look scared for long until his eyes turned dark with anger. "You know exactly what's happening here, sir," he snapped.

Mr. Evans looked surprised for a second, but it didn't take long until his face hardened again. "What are you talking about, Mr. Malik?"

Zayn opened his mouth to reply, but right then a classroom door was slammed open, and Mr. Williams was joining us. "What in the name of God is happening here?!" He gasped, locking eyes with me.

"I- I can explain," I tried, but he just shook his head, turning to Harry.


Harry glanced at me before taking a deep breath. "Louis and I were standing here at his locker when Mike came over and started throwing punches at him."

I could hear a snort coming from my left. "Nonsense. Do you really think my son would do such a horrible thing?"

The mini-crowd that was watching our every move let out a round of gasps, noticing Mr. Evans' mistake. From the looks of it, Mr. Williams seemed to do so as well. "Excuse me. Did you just call that boy your son?" He asked, gesturing towards Mike, who was now clutching his bleeding nose.

Mr. Evans gulped, avoiding Mr. Williams burning gaze. If I hadn't known better, I would've thought Mr. Williams was the principal and not Mr. Evans. "Yes."

Mr. Williams pressed his lips in a thin line, turning back to Harry. "Continue, please."

Harry nodded. "Mike punched Louis so hard I thought he would get unconscious, but Zayn showed up before it was too late. He only punched Mike to make him stop beating Louis."

Mr. Williams quirked an eyebrow, turning to Mike. "Why on earth did you beat Mr. Tomlinson in the first place? I know he's not the most innocent guy, but what was your reason?"

Mike opened his mouth to answer, but Liam and Niall suddenly came running towards us, beating him to it. "We fixed it, we fixed it!" Liam yelled, slipping past the people in the crowd with a following Niall behind him. His eyes widened at the scene in front of him, flicking between me and Mike on the floor. "Shit," was the only thing he said.

Niall stopped beside him, slipping his hand in Liam's as his eyes found me and Harry.

"Excuse me. Are you two involved in this?" Mr. Williams asked, turning to the two boys.

"Well, that depends on what you mean by 'this'," Liam said, shifting on his feet.

"I mean what was taking place here only a few minutes ago, obviously."

"No, we were not involved in that, but one thing we are involved in is the story behind it, right Niall?" He glanced at the blonde boy who was gripping something in the hand that wasn't holding Liam's.


"What do you mean?" Mr. Evans asked, speaking for the first time in what felt like hours.

"This," Niall said, pressing on the thing in his hand that I assumed was some kind of remote.

Suddenly, the speakers in the hallway started blaring; "Plan A didn't work, dad. Louis doesn't care that the entire school knows about his and Harry's relationship."

My mouth fell open as I realized this was from yesterday when we had eavesdropped on Mr. Evans and Mike's conversation. Turning my head to Zayn, who was now leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face, I knew very well that this had been his plan all along. He had actually recorded the whole thing?

"You already know Louis is not good for this school. He keeps failing classes, he acts as if he thinks he owns the entire school and now he's gay as well, and you know how much I can't stand gay people, right?"

The recording continued to blare through the speakers, and none of us in the hallway dared to move a single limb.

"So, what you're going to do now is to make Louis lose his reputation by beating him up in front of the entire school. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes, of course, dad."

When the recording eventually ended, everyone, and then I meant everyone was staring at either Mike or Mr. Evans. The principal's face was beet red while Mike was staring at the floor, biting his bottom lip anxiously.

Luckily, Mr. Williams decided to break the awkward silence that had occurred after the recording only seconds later. "Mr. Evans, I'd like to have a private talk with you, and believe me, I don't think I'm the only teacher at this school who wants that after this," he said sternly.

The principal nodded his head curtly, adjusting his tie uncomfortably. Before the two men left, Mr. Williams turned to give us a smile. "I think you guys solved this situation in the best way possible. Well done."

A few minutes later, the crowd dispersed, and the only people who were still in the hallway were Mike, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and I. To everyone's surprise, Mike was the first person to speak up; "Guys, I'm really sorry for what I did. I would honestly never have done any of it if it weren't for my dad," he apologized, still nibbling on his bottom lip.

I seriously wanted to walk over and slap him across the face because that apology was the most pathetic one I had ever heard. Stupid bitch.

Thankfully, Harry seemed to think just like me because his face was in a scowl while he was gritting his teeth. Liam and Niall seemed just as upset as we were since Niall had been one of Mike's targets, so the only person who didn't want to beat the shit out of Mike right now was Zayn, oddly enough.

Mike seemed to understand the vibes we gave off and pulled himself up from the floor. "I guess this is my cue to leave," he mumbled, heading towards God knows where.

Before he disappeared completely, though, he turned around to face Harry. "Before I leave, I just want you to know that I really do like you, Harry, and I have done so ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I'm not stupid, though. I do know you love Louis, and I'm not going to do anything to about that. You two deserve each other, and I'm glad I was one of the reasons you got together in the first place," he said, and with that, he spun on his heel and walked away, leaving all of us dumbfounded.

Well, what could I say? It wasn't every day you heard the person you hated the most saying something that actually wasn't so bad.


Finally! I am so sorry for the long wait, but I hope this chapter makes up for it :)

So, there's only one chapter left, then the epilogue... Can't believe this story will soon be over, I mean, I've been writing it for almost a year now!

QUESTION: Where/How did you find this story? (If you still remember that is...)

Pauline .xx

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