"What the fuck does she mean I bitched about her behind her back? I never did Felix!"

"You see...there's a reason but I can't tell you so how about you leave me alone." Felix said as he returned to stretching.

"Tell me now." I gritted my teeth.

I got no answer. He was blanking me and pretending I was non existent.

I got fed up and decided to ditch again. There's no point doing this, I'm too full and tired anyways. I'll just sit up at the top of the rooftop again.

I grabbed my bag and exited the changing rooms heading to the stairs.


The breeze was really nice and calming as I sat there looking at the road which was in a current traffic jam. I could hear distant honks and my hair was blowing backwards which felt really nice.

This type of thinking time was my favourite. I hate life.

I felt a weird feeling on my cheek. I felt it and it suddenly stung quite abit.

I took out my phone and went onto Camera. I looked at my cheek using the camera and there was a slight cut, with a trickle of dried blood smeared around it.

Somi and her long nails...how did I not notice before.

Out of my bag, I took out a first aid kit and disinfected the cut. Then I put a clear plaster over it so it wouldn't get infected.

Then something was really really strange. I felt something pierce on my neck. I looked to my left and saw big hands and a syringe and then my vision instantly went blurry and I felt very dizzy.

I tried to punch whoever it was. I wasnt passed out or anything. My sight was just blurry and everything was spinning. But something was really clear to me.

Silver hair, I could see.

"Finally I can beat the fuck out of you in peace." A voice with a strong Australian accent spoke. "There's no Felix to save your dead ass now is there hahahahaha"

"C-Chan?" I questioned as I tried to get up.

"That's right." He chuckled as he punched the right side of my face.

My jaw felt like it was going to break. And I already could sense that there was gonna be a big bruise formed.

Then a punch on the other side. He pulled my hair, so hard that he actually lost grip because he pulled out my hair. I was so dizzy by now but I wasn't passing out.

He then kicked me, as I lost balance and fell to the ground.

"You should've died when my sister locked you up and set fire to that abandoned building. Damn Felix. Because of him you didn't die. At least he's not here to save you now huh." He cackled as he carried on kicking and slapping me.

I can normally fight back. But whatever the fuck he injected into me drained all my energy out of me and my vision just got fucked up.

Then he was pushing me nearer and nearer to the edge. At this point, I was half off the edge of the rooftop and I could see cars zooming past below.

"Please stop! No!" I shouted but Chan just carried on and grunted.

"Pfft. I hope you actually die this time. You annoying brat."

Then he picked me up, laid me right on the edge.

"Rest in peace you unwanted bitch." He lastly said as he tried rolling me off the edge.

I was holding onto his arm, as hard as I could.

"Let the fuck go." Chan said angrily.

"Please..." I said, not being able to see anything.

I hate life but I don't want to die.

"CHANG HYUNG WHAT THE FUCK!" A voice shouted SO loud the ground even shook a little.

"Oof. Here comes you knight in the shining armour. RIP." Chan said as he pulled me off his arm and he pushed me.


Off of the edge.

Off of the edge of the rooftop.

And I landed on the ground with great force.

My eyes shut.

Everything went black.

School Life | Felix Lee | Stray Kids | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now