Chapter Three

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V-

Eve started to grin like an idiot while Luna just stared, very creepy girl, isn't she?

"So, who's the lucky one?" Eve asks.
I scratch me neck, should I tell them? Like she's new and all..

"its Y/n." Luna blurted out, my eyes widen. Not that they could see it anyways.

"H-how did you-" "-Know? Well it's very obvious." Luna said and smiled sweetly at me.
"Wait, you are in love with y/n?" Jane joins in the conversation while holding Mary's hand.

I was about to admit it but then I saw Y/n walking our direction.

"Of course I'm not in love with Y/n, psshhht who would anyways?" I said looking at Y/n, why does she look so hurt? I then realized what I said..

Who would anyways?

She must feel like no one loves her. Shit I need to fix this!

Before I even could move a bone she ran upstairs. Evelyne faces me giving me a hard slap across the face, it kinda hurts.

"Fix this!" with that she walked away, I feel something drip down my cheek she must have cut me with her nails.
Luna then puts her hand on my cheek smiling softy.

"Don't mind her. Just go to Y/n, make it up to her." she softly said, smiling I hugged her and walked upstairs, stopping in front of Y/n's door I breathe in and out.

'okay Ej, don't fuck this up!'

Knocking twice I nervously wait for her to answer, the door opens and I look at.. Ben?

He has a look of concern on his face and his hands are shaking.

He pulled me by the wrist to the bathroom and saw a scene I wish I never saw, Y/n laying in her own blood. I feel I have to puke.

I feel that I wanna cry.

Right now, I wanna die.

"Y-y/n.." I sit next to her and shake her a bit, "Y/n.." I shake with more force yet she wouldn't wake up. This is all my fault, isn't it? Shit! I.. I don't want her to die!!

"Y/N !!!!" I yell shaking her with all my force, soon everyone crowded her bathroom some where shocked some didn't care, some... Cried.. Or should I say me, Ben and Liu.

Why is Liu crying though? He never met her.

"Y/n, wake up dear." Liu spoke up getting a confused look from Jeff. Luna giggles, okay yeah, Luna always giggles with everything and I know that. But I can't stand her giggling here with a dead Y/n.

"Luna ! You think this is funny?!" I yell louder than I wanted, her gaze falls upon me and she nods her head..
I lost control at that point.


"I can't believe Jeff loves you, maybe he just wanted a girl so he searched for the dumbest and blindest one." I mumble enough for everyone to hear.

I look at Luna and she had tears running down her cheeks, she opened her mouth but no words came out.

She walks away but stops at the door," I fucking hate you all. " she said and ran away.

My gaze went back to Y/n. I can't believe it, why the beautiful ones.
It's not fair, this is a cruel world.


I look at Jeff as he had a look of anger and sympathy in his eyes and sadness. An emotion i haven't seen in awhile. "I'm sorry for Y/n but, why'd you say that.." He softly said.

I expected him to yell at me, fight me.

"I.. Don't know..."

Then a crying clockwork and Toby came running in, they whispered something in Jeff's ear and his eyes widened.

"Jeff.. What's wrong?" I ask, he looks at me as a tear rolls down his cheek. "it's your fault jack." he runs off with Clocky and Toby.

Weird but right now, I have to focus on Y/n, I picked her up and went to doctor smiley.

"I'll see what I can do." Smiley said as he looked at her.

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