Chapter Twelve

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Y/n's P.O.V -

I wake up and feel something around my waist, looking down I see arms. Arms that belong to Ej, I smile and suddenly see that my chest is exposed. What the-i pull the blanket a bit down and see in fully naked. So is Ej. So big.

My eyes widen, did we..? I feel Ej shifting signaling that he's waking up. "Y/n..?" He looks at me and I cover myself with the blanket. "Ej, what the hell?! Did we-" " Have sex? YES!" He cuts me off and I start panicking. Did he do it with a condom?!

Ej scratches his neck and giggles nervously. I shot him a death glare. "What's so funny?" I ask and he looks scared. "Ehe, heyyy. I didn't use a condom.." My eyes widen. What the fuck..what the actual..


He jumps up and covers himself with his clothes. "I'm sorry, we were drunk. You naked. Soo.." He trails off. The door slams open and Luna, Jeff and masky run in, or fall in with worried looks on their face. "The fuck happened here?" Jeff asks and Ej and I look at each other.

"Sex, we had sex.. Without.. Condom" I say. Luna's eyes widen. "Wha?!" Masky runs off. He's so telling slender. I sigh and Luna starts to jump up and down. "Can I babysit?!" She asks.

"NO!" Ej and I yell at her. She frowns and Jeff pats her back. She walks off and Jeff looks at her butt.

"So, your pregnana?" He asks with a serious face. The fuck pregnana Jeff?

Ej giggles and I sigh. Idiots.

"The fuck is pregnana?" I ask and Jeff prepares himself for the explanation. "Well, it's pregnant in the sims language. Luna's joke. I stole it." Jeff says and I nod. "What are we gonna do about it?" Ej asks.

"Well, I won't do shit cuz that thing," Jeff points at my belly. "Isn't mine. Luckily." He walks off.

Ej and I decided to get dressed.

After that we walk downstairs and see Ben snickering. Shit they know.

"Uh, Jeff told them." Luna points to Jeff and runs away. Why are they so scared? I'm a simple human.

"No. Come here and I'll explain." I turn around and see a boy I've never seen before. He has horns, white-grayish hair. Shirtless with a tattoo on his chest and pants. No shoes, his skin is light gray. And he has stripes tattoo under his eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask. He was about to answer until Luna beat him to it.

"ALEX!" Luna hugs him. He smiles and hugs back. Immediately everyone looks at Jeff to see him.. Smiling? Shit. I wanted a fight. "Why ya smilin' mate?" ben says. How does that midget talk. I shouldn't say midget because Luna is the same height. He's like a very tiny bit bigger.

"Because Alex can't feel love so I'm not mad." He says and smiles, Ej face palms. "You said that too. And look now, you've got a girlfriend." Jeffs eyes widen at Ej's statement.

He pulls Luna away from Alex and holds her."Okay, Y/n. Come with me." Alex says and I nod. He walks into the backyard with me following him.

"Okay, so. Explain. You can read minds?" I ask and he nods. "Well. Not Luna's. But that's another story." He says and I sit down on a random rock.

"I have time."

He sighs and sits on the ground. "Well, when Luna was 13 she started to wonder how it felt like to have a friend. And so, my boss. It's kinda a God. He sent me there. But then I wasn't looking like a devil, I had light brown hair and green eyes. My skin was like yours. I didn't have horns or sharp nail and teeth. And my wings weren't black. They were white. " He stops for a moment looking at me.

" So, I became her friend. Her guardian angel.. " He stops himself once again sighing." How.. How did you become like this? " I ask and he continues.

" I broke the rules. No guardian can fall for an human. I.. " he looks down. "You fell in love with Luna?" He nods. "We were a couple. I.. Wish we still were. I followed her everywhere. But she became obsessed with that fucking Jeff.. So when she was 15 she lost her mind and her sanity. I did too. When they took her away. When I found her she was already a killer. She told me that her doctor had.. Raped her and someone saved her from Drowning. Ben says he saved her because he has a crush on her.
And she said that we weren't a couple anymore. I.. Then left when I saw her and Jeff kissing and being happy. I cried and this is the first time I saw her again. " He had tears forming in his eyes. I hug him tightly and he pulls away looking at me." Don't tell Jeff about Luna and I. " he asks. I look into his eyes. And I nod." I promise. And I'm so sorry. "

He smiles at me.

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