Chapter Sixteen

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3rd person P.O.V

Y/n waits on her bed for her boyfriend to come back from checking if anyone's awake.

The door opens and Ben steps in, "They're all asleep. Let's go." he smiles and she nods, he takes her hand and they quietly make they're way outside. Of course grabbing theyre weapons.

As they went outside they make theyre way to the pond. Where they meet. As they were walking Y/n got nervous about the meeting.

Your P.O.V-

Why would ben want me to go anyways? Now that I think of. His eyes are more redder than normal.

What does that mean? Is it because of love or anger?

We stop at the pond and see man with horns and mouths all over his body, he holds his hand out for me to take.

"Thank you, love. For coming." he smiles and I nod hesitentally shaking zalgos hand.

"Now, let's get this straight you come with me and we won't kill you." zalgos says. Did he just say 'we'?

"We? Your here by yourself, and Ben will protect me so you don't stand a chance." I say crossing my arms. Zalgos starts to laugh.

"you mean, Dark link protects me."

I look over at ben and see him turning into dark link with a perverted smile. I kissed dark link?!


I turn on my heel and start to run into the mansions direction. Something tackles me to the ground and see a weird human thing." Thank you, Miro." Zalgos says petting the thing.

Zalgos lifts me up to his height, "Y/n. Dear there's no one who will help you no-" " What the fuck do you want from me?! And where's ben?!" I yell.

Zalgo didn't like the attitude and slaps me across the face. "Ben is locked up in the attic of the mansion. How the fuck did no one notice?

"And I made jack break up with you."

I punched Zalgo in the face. He throws me against a tree. I groan in pain. He then lunges at me with his claws, I scream and dodge kicking on of his claw, he screams loudly.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD!" His voice grew more demonic as his features do too.

"Oh no she isn't." Zalgo, dark and me snap our head in the voice's direction. I smile as I see most of the creepypasta boys standing there, along with slender and his brothers of course. "Oh great. Didn't think of that eh boss?" Dark link rolled his eyes at his boss. "Shut it, dark." His boss says and smiles at slender.

"Glad you could join us. But, we were just leaving." Zalgo picks me up and I take out my knife and Stab him in the eye, he screams throwing me against a tree. Ej runs to my side and sees that my head is bleeding.

"Y/n, you'll be fine."

Jeff joins in before he takes a look at zalgo lunging at him. Ej smiles at me. "glad I'm a doctor." He says and starts taking care of my wounds.

My vision starts to become blurry and my eyes are staring to close making Ej worried. "Y/n?" He says and shakes me a bit.

"Shit! I.." Then I passed out.

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