Another child

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I woke up around 9 to feel Lucifer running his fingers through my hair.

"Morning." He said with a smirk.

"Your still here?" I asked confused.

"I wasn't gonna leave after a night like that." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said sitting up.

"I didn't know your nails where so sharp." He said with a laugh.

I hit his shoulder and groaned as I tried to stand up. I felt him smirking as he kissed my shoulder blade.

"Stop smirking." I hissed as he chuckled against my neck.

"What ever you say witch." He said standing up.

I rolled my eyes as I watched him look for his clothes. I smirked as I saw his shirt and picked it up hiding it under my pillow. He turned to look at me and smirked playfully.

"Give me my shirt." He said walking up to me.

"Take it from me." I said pulling it out and putting it on.

He chuckled as he walked up to me and pinned me to the bed.

"Looks like I have to teach my witch a lesson." He said bitting my neck.

I gasped as pain shot through me and he pulled away. He laughed as he pulled me into a kiss and then snapped his fingers and disappeared leaving me in his shirt. After awhile I changed and left my room to see Dean talking to Sam. I smiled as I set beside them and listened to them.

"What's going on?" I asked softly.

"We found a way to get Mary and Jack back." Dean said smiling at me.

I looked at them shocked as they explained it to me and I looked down at my hands. It wasn't long before they left and I let it a sigh as I left the room and called Lucifer.

"What can I do for you witch?" He asked before I slapped him.

"You knew they found a way to get Jack back! You tricked me!" I snapped as I glared up at him.

"I might have known. But still we did have a deal." He said with a smirk.

I went to hit him again and he grabbed my arm and pulled me against him.

"Stop it before I force you into a cell until my child is born." He hissed.

"So ahead! It's not like you will allow me to raise my kid! You'll try and turn my child into you!" I yelled as I looked away from him.

He looked down at me and snapped his fingers, I closed my eyes expecting to be in a cell, but when I open them I was in a room.

"I'm not gonna lock you up..... I am keeping you here unto Michael is taken care of." He said softly.

"Lucifer.... please get Jack back." I said as he walked away.

He nodded his head and walked out of the room leaving me alone. I set on the bed and closed my eyes as I fell asleep on the bed. When I woke up I was laying on a chest. I snuggled into him as I realized who it was.

"Thought angels don't sleep." I said softly.

"They don't but I am recharging my grace so I have to sleep and eat like a normal human." Lucifer said annoyed.

I chuckled as I listen to his heartbeat and closed my eyes letting out a sigh.

"So does that also mean you are as weak as a human?" I asked with a smirk.

"Stop smirking and no it doesn't mean that. Now shut up and go to sleep." He said with a frown.

"Yes sir." I said with a laugh.

After awhile Cas came up to heaven and told us that Michael had been defeated and Jack was back and safe with Mary. I smiled as Lucifer and I left to see them and Jack ran and hugged me.

"I missed you so much." He said as he hugged me.

"I misses you more." I said as I felt tears fall.

"Alright now that Jack is back he can come with me and Gwen to Heaven and learn how to use his abilities." Lucifer said with a smile.

"No. He is staying here. If you want to stay you can but you have to behave." I said sternly.

"Your kidding me right?" He asked shocked.

"If you don't you won't get to meet this kid." I said pointing at my stomach.

"Fine." He said with a sigh.

I smiled happily as we walked into the bunker and Lucifer moved into my room with me.

"So your pregnant.... with the devils kid?" Dean asked with a groan.

"Yes I am and it's also my kid and your grandkid." I said as Lucifer set beside me.

Dean let out a sigh as he left the room and Lucifer smiled down at me.

"Stop smiling." I said with a frown.

"Whatever you say." He said walking out of the room.

I smiled as I watched him leave and then waited for Jack to come into the room and lay on the couch beside me. After a couple of months I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who we named Krista.

"Stop smiling." I said smiling softly.

"Never." He said kissing my cheek.

I laughed as Lucifer held Krista in his arms and set beside me. Jack came in and I smiled up at him.

"Come meet Krista your sister." I said with a smile.

He smiled as Lucifer handed Krista over to him and Jack held her gently in his arms. I smiled as I watched them and let out a sigh as Lucifer wrapped his arms around me.

"So wanna have another?" He asked softly.

"I will kill you." I said with a frown.

He chuckled as he pecked my lips and hugged me. After awhile we ended up getting married and having a son. We would stay married for the rest of our lives.

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