Meeting Mary

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I had left after Dean went to confront Amara and saved the world. That had been nearly two weeks ago and now I am sitting alone at a dinner and reading a text from Sam.

"Gwen it's Sam...... Dean's alive and..... so is our mom. I know it's strange but she was brought back to life by Amara.... I hope you will come to see us... dean misses you and mom is dying to meet her granddaughter."- Sammy

I smiled as I put my phone away and got my order of food and finished it before going to get groceries for Sam and Dean. I made it to the bunker and let out a deep breath as I knocked on the door. It open and I smiled as I saw Sam in a flannel.

"Gwen?" He asked shocked.

"How you been Sammy?" I asked smiling up at him.

He laughed as he pulled me into a hi and then took some of the groceries. We walked inside and I took my shoes off before walking into the kitchen.

"Dean and mom are on a hunt, should be back in a few." He said with a smile.

"That's good. How is everyone?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Been better...... Cas and Crowley are chasing Lucifer.... Dean and I are getting use to having our mom back." He said with a smile.

"That's good.... so... how has he been.... Dean, How has he been?" I asked softly.

"Same old Dean..... he misses you. We both do." Sam said with a sigh.

"I.... I miss you both also but I can't forget what he did and I can't forgive. I tried to I really have but..... he let me go Sam... he abandoned me when I needed him most." I said looking away.

I heard the door open and turned to see Dean walk in with a woman. He looked at me shocked and the woman smiled softly.

"Hi I'm Mary Winchester." She said shaking my hand.

"Gwendolyn Porter but my friends call me Gwen." I said with a smile.

"Gwen what are you doing here?" Dean asked calmly.

"Sam called and told me that I should come meet Mary." I explained.

"Oh.... I see." Dean said looking away.

"So what have you been hunting for?" I asked looking at Mary.

"Lucifer and the woman he impregnated." She explained.

"He is got a woman pregnant?" I asked shocked.

"Yea. I was just as surprised as you. I thought he would have come after you for that." Sam said softly.

"Why would he want her for that?" Mary asked confused.

"One I'm his daughter, two I'm a White Witch, and three I'm his niece." I said pointing at Dean and then Sam.

"So your my granddaughter?" She asked with a smile.

"Yep, but I guess Dean didn't tell you about me." I said with a smirk.

"Didn't come up." He said glaring at me.

"Just like it didn't come up to call your biological daughter and say you where alive." I said walking away from him.

I heard him groan as he followed behind me. I made my way to the door and felt him grab my arm tightly and stop me.

"Okay what is your problem!" He snapped angrily.

"My problem! You abandoned me! Did you even look for me! Did you even ask about me! I was alone! I was tortured! Lucifer saved me from Crowley, while you did nothing! Why didn't you come for me!.... why did you abandon me for a second time?" I asked as tears streamed down my face.

"Listen to me and you listen well. I have never abandoned you and I never will. I didn't call you when I got back because I wasn't the same. I tried to find you. Me and Sam, we looked everywhere for you. Crowley told us that Abaddon took you out of hell..... and stupid us believed him. I didn't abandon you Gwen.... your my kid, my flesh in blood! You mean more to me then my mother! Than Sam! Than my own life! And all I wanted to do in that year in purgatory was come back to you! So don't you dare think you mean nothing to me! Cause your my everything.... your my daughter and I love you more than I have ever loved anything." Dean said looking down at me.

I sobbed as I clung to him, he held me tightly against my chest as he whispered in my ear. After I calmed down he kissed my forehead and let go of me.

"I am so sorry you thought I didn't care about you, but I do. I care about you more than life." He said with a small smile.

We both went back into the room to see Sam and Mary smiling at us.

"So... you love her more than me?" Sam asked with a laugh.

"Yep, sorry Sammy but my kid comes first." Dean said laughing with him.

I smiled as I walked over to the stove and turned it on.

"Hey Mary wanna help me cook?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure think. I would love to help and to also get to know you." She said with a smile.

"Same maybe you can give me some tips." I said with a laugh.

"I'm all for it." She said laughing with me.

After cooking we had Sam and Dean set the table and then we put the food on the table. I laughed as I set beside Dean and they told me about everything going on and about how Cas was working with Crowley.

"So still wanna kill Crowley?" Sam asked softly.

"Not really I mean he didn't torture me but then again he did keep me locked in a room tied to a chair." I said with a frown.

"If you don't I will." Dean said with a smile.

We laughed as we talked for awhile before going to bed. I laid on a bed and rolled on my side. I heard the sound of wings and pulled my angel blade out and pointed it at the figure at the edge of my bed.

"Who are you?" I asked glaring at them.

"It's just little old me." He said walking into the light.

I looked shocked as Lucifer walked into the light smiling at me.

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