Being forced back into the life

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For a whole year I heard nothing from Dean and Sam. I didn't even get any calls from Garth, who had been turned into a werewolf and was married. I didn't hear anything until one day when I got a mysterious call.

I woke up one day and I groaned as I got a call from a unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked sitting up.

"What's up G." A voice said.

"Garth how are you?" I asked sitting up.

"Good I was wondering if you would come down cause I have a problem." Garth said softly.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Sam and Dean are here cause I got into a accident and they know why I am. Please come down to help me get them not to hurt my family." He begged.

"On my way." I said hanging up.

After a couple of hours I arrived at Jim Myers' place and knocked on the door. It open to reveal Bess who hugged me quickly.

"How have you been?" She asked smiling at me.

"I've been good. So where is moron?" I asked with a laugh.

"Inside follow me. We just got dinner done." She said with a smile.

I laughed as we made it inside to see Garth sitting in front of Dean and Sam.

"Gwen! I missed you!" Garth exclaimed hugging me.

"Missed you too moron. Good to see you Reverend Jim." I said with a smile.

"Same to you Gwendolyn." Jim said with a smile.

"Please just call me Gwen." I said laughing.

"Alright Gwen. Come sit down." He said with a smile.

I laughed as I set down and smiled at Garth. I looked in front of me to see Sam and Dean looking at me.

"So how have you been G?" Garth asked smiling at me.

"I've been fine. How's being a werewolf?" I asked softly.

"It's okay. So Dean.... Sam, what have you been up to?" Garth asked smiling at them.

"Hunting things. Usual."

"Gwen it's so good to see you. I am so sorry for your loss." Joy said hugging me.

"Her loss?" Sam asked confused.

"Losing her best friend Pen..... when Garth told us about her I understood why it was so hard when you first came here." Joy said sadly.

I glared at Garth and he sent me a small smile.

"What... happen if you don't mind us asking?" Sam asked softly.

"During the hunt that turned Garth into a werewolf.... Pen was with us and.... she got her throat ripped out by the other werewolf. I was able to kill both and get Garth to a hospital." I explained looking away.

"I'm sorry." Dean said finally.

I looked at Garth and we all talked about how his life was and college. I laughed as Bess told me about she was trying to convince Garth to have children with her. After awhile I went to bed and when I woke up I was tied to a chair beside Garth and Bess. I listened as Joy explained everything that happen to her family and what she planned to do. I groaned as Dean and Sam saved us and Dean rushed to my side and untied me.

"Are you okay?" He asked checking me over.

"I'm fine! Don't act like you care!" I snapped pulling away from him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"I waited a year and a half! You never once called me! Never told me you where alive! I thought you died! I mourned you! I lost my best friend! Garth got turned into a werewolf! And you weren't there! I needed you!" I yelled hitting his chest.

"Did I mean anything to you?" I asked as tears streamed down my face.

"Gwen.... I." He said looking down at me.

"It's okay, I should of known you didn't care about me. I was to much of a idiot to think that my father loved me, but I'm not my uncle..... I'm not anything to you. " I said pulling away from him.

I left the building and got into my car, I drove off and called Garth telling him goodbye. I hung up and kept driving until I was as far away as I could be, and then I pulled over on the side of the road.

"Why..... why me? Why am I the one getting hurt?" I asked as I laid my head on the steering wheel.

I felt tears stream down my face as I set in me seat. I looked at my window as I heard a tap on the glass. I saw a woman with red hair smiling at me. She broke the glass and grabbed me knocking me out. When I woke up I was tied to a chair and the woman was smiling down at me.

"Hello Gwendolyn, my name is Abaddon." She said with a smile.

"What do you want?" I asked glaring up at her.

"To kill every last Winchester, rule hell, and a drink. Not in that order." She said with a laugh.

"So are you going to kill me?" I asked annoyed.

"No you see I have something special in store for you. Crowley told me about how you are claimed by Lucifer and I want to know what makes you so special." She said with a smile.

"I'm a White Witch." I said annoyed.

"A pretty one. So I'll make yo us deal help me take over hell and you can live your life as you please." She said with a smile.

"Sorry..... but no." I said glaring at her.

She sent me a frown as she grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the leg. I screamed as the blade went all the way through.

"Make sure I can hear her scream all the way from my throne." Abaddon said smiling at the guard.

I watched her leave the room and the guard walk over to me with a grin. He pulled the knife out of my leg and I screamed as he started the torture.

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