A father found

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I leaned against Garth as the preacher talked about my mother. I was in a long blue dress with long sleeves and a V neck. I had on black heels and my locket that my mom gave me on my fifth birthday. I smiled softly as I felt Garth rub my back and pull me closer.

"Thank you for being here for me." I whispered sadly.

"Your my best friend. Where else would I be?" He asked softly.

After it was over we went to the graveyard and I listened to the preacher say the final words for my mom. I felt someone hug me and I wrapped my arms around them as I felt tears fall.

"It's okay me and Garth are here." Pen said hugging me tightly.

After it was over I walked back with Garth to his car. He helped me in and we drove to my house so I could pack. We made it inside to see a tall man, Garth smiled softly as he turned to introduce them to me.

"Gwen this is Sam Winchester. He is here to help find out what happen to Carmen." Garth explained.

"Gwen we are so sorry for your loss, do you think you can answer some questions for us?" Sam asked softly.

"Yea.... of course. Anything to find who did this." I said sitting on the couch.

"Do you know anyone who would want to hurt your mother?" Sam asked softly.

"No.... my mom was.... one of the most kindest and sweetest person I had ever known. Everyone loved her." I said looking at my hands.

"Have you smelt Sulfur.... maybe felt cold spots around the house?" Sam asked calmly.

"No.... but I did notice that there was a guy who followed us to the game. He.... was tall..... had short hair I think. I never met him before." I said softly.

I heard a knock on the door and Garth got up and answered it.

"Can I help you?" He asked softly.

"My name is Julia Johnson. I'm Jake's mother and with the foster care. I am here to talk to Gwendolyn about where she will be staying until she is legal age to be on her own." The woman explained.

"Oh great." I groaned as I put my face in my hands.

She walked in and smiled at me as she set beside me.

"So where am I suppose to go?" I asked softly.

"Well your mother left it in a letter that you would stay with a.... Dean Mahogoff? You mother said she had a picture of him in her album." She explained.

"Where is it? I can get it for you." Garth said softly.

"Upstairs. Her closet. In a shoe box. Mom takes it out sometimes. She doesn't let me look in it though so I don't know what he looks like." I explained.

He nodded his head and went upstairs to get it. After awhile he came back down with the album and looked at me shocked.

"What's wrong Garth?" I asked confused.

"Um.... I know this Dean Mahogoff..... He is Sam's brother." Garth said showing us the picture.

It was of my mother with a man in a leather jacket and jeans. She was hugging up to him and he was kissing her cheek. I read the bottom of it and dropped the book in shock.

"What's wrong?" Julia asked confused.

"It says.... that he is her father." Garth explained.

"I see. Mr. Mahogoff can you call your brother so I can talk to him about all of this?" Julia asked softly.

"He is outside.... I'll go get him." Sam said walking away.

Garth looked at me sadly as I took a deep breath and waited. After awhile they both came in and the man beside him stopped as he saw me.

"Mr. Mahogoff hello I am Julia Johnson. I'm sure your brother told you everything. We will have to get a DNA test to make sure but it should be fine." She said with a smile.

Garth wrapped an arm around me as she had us go to the hospital and we got the blood work done.

"Now if this comes back and you want to take care of her you will have to wait until they get everything from her before you can leave town." Julia explained.

"Of course." He said calmly.

After waiting for awhile the doctor came in with the results.

"Gwen how are you dear?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm fine Dr. Chase. So..... is he....you know?" I asked softly.

"Yes.... the results confirmed that Mr. Mahogoff is your father." He said softly.

I shook my head in understanding and listened as Julia talked about where Dean and Sam lived and a number she could contact them with. I listened as they gave their information and I set on the bed.

"Gwen here is my number call whenever you want. If you need anything tell me. Your family and whenever you want I'll come get you." Dr. Chase said softly.

He hugged me and then we all left to go back to the house. Julia left us all alone and Garth helped me pack. I heard a knock on the door and watched as Sam opened the door to Pen and Jake. Pen pushed past him and ran toward me and hugged me.

"Tell me it isn't true." She begged hugging me.

"Sorry Pen, but I'm moving." I said softly.

"Oh no. The walls are closing in on me. I can see the light." She said hugging me tighter.

"Oh come on diva. It's not forever, only until I turn eighteen." I said shaking my head.

"That's forever!" She snapped angrily.

"No it's only about two years. You will live." I said rolling my eyes.

"How are you okay with this?" She asked shocked.

"I'm use to going place to place. This isn't a shock to me." I said leaning against the wall.

"Well she has our number so she shouldn't have to worry and we are graduating in a week." Jake explained walking up to us.

I smiled softly at him as he wrapped his arm around me. I saw Dean looking at us and I laid my head on Jake's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come to the funeral. I had practice and I can't miss anything." He said with a small smile.

"You had practice?" I asked annoyed.

"Yea why do you sound surprised?" He asked with a smile.

"I don't know maybe cause our last game was three days ago." I snapped.

"Couch wants me to stay in shape."

"Really cause your dad was at the funeral!" I snapped angrily.

"Well.... that almost worked. Baby I'm sorry I just don't do funerals. They weird me out."

"Hand me your phone." I said holding my hand out.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I need to put their home number in your phone." I said sweetly.

He handed it to me and I looked through his pictures. I laughed as I pulled one up of him and one of the cheerleaders kissing. I showed it to him and he smiled softly.

"Baby I can explain." He said softly.

"Really. Have fun explaining this." I said throwing the phone down and smashing it with my boot.

He looked at me shocked and I smiled as Garth came up and grabbed his shoulder.

"Time to go Jake." Garth said annoyed.

"I wouldn't cheat if you would have given me what I want!" Jake yelled at me.

I watched Garth throw him out of the house and shut the door. I saw Garth turn to look at me and I felt tears stream down my face as I ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door.

Dean Winchester's daughter Where stories live. Discover now