Another day gone by

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It was another boring day where I was forced to go to school. I go to John Adams High School with my best friend Penelope Chase, but I just calls her Pen. We met whenever I moved here with my mother, Carmen. Pen and I both became cheerleaders when we became freshmen and made sure to go to every game to cheer for my boyfriend.

My boyfriend is Jake Johnson, the couches son and our quarterback. We met at one of the games when he crashed into my older best friend, Garth Fitzgerald. I rushed over and helped Garth up and Jake introduced himself and we started dating a month later.

"Gwen! Guess what." Pen yelled running up to me.

"What is it?" I asked laughing.

"Garth is in town with some friends of his. He wants us to meet them tomorrow." She said happily.

"Come on let's get to school." I said laughing as I dragged her behind me.

We made it to the school house and walked into the classroom to see our teacher lecturing my boyfriend. I groaned as I walked up to them and looked arms with Jake.

"What did you do now?" I asked with a smile.

"Forgot homework." He said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry Mr. Williams. I promise I'll force him to get it done tonight." I said smiling up at him.

"Thank you Miss Porter." He said walking away from me and Jake.

I hit Jake's shoulder and he laughed and I glared at him.

"Jake you have gotta do your work." I said with a sigh.

"I know baby. It's just I hate English." He groaned.

"Baby.... this is math." I said with a frown.

"Then why is he teaching English?" He asked confused.

I hit my head on the wall and walked over to my desk and set beside Pen. She laughed as I glared at Jake. After awhile class started and I was forced to listen to the story of Romeo and Juliet for the eighteenth time. When it was over we all rushed out of the classroom and to our next one. Soon it was time for practice and we made our way to the football field.

"Okay girls I want to hear our cheer!" I yelled cheerfully.

"Who is the best!" Pen yelled.

"We are!" They yelled.

"Who's number one!" She yelled.

"We are!"

"What's our name!" I yelled.

"John Adams High School! Home to the eagles!" They cheered.

I smiled as we went through the steps and then I ran over to grab a drink.

"Looking good G." A voice said from behind me.

I smiled as I turned around to see Garth smiling at me. I laughed as I hugged him and he picked me up and spun me around.

"God I have missed you." I said pulling away.

"Same so hows life?" He asked sitting on the bleachers.

"Great. I mean it's my last year in high school and I'm head cheerleader with Pen as my co leader." I said with a smile.

"That's awesome. So how about tomorrow you and Pen come meet my friends at the dinner. I think you will hit it off with them." He said with a smile.

"We'd love to. Any friend of yours is mine." I said with a smile.

We talked for awhile and I invited them to the game before I went back to practice. I smiled as practice was over and I was able to head home to get ready for the game.

"Mom me and Pen are home!" I yelled shutting the front door.

"In here sweetheart!" She yelled from the kitchen.

I laughed as I walked into the room to see her making the Gatorade for the boys and some protein bars for the girls.

"How was practice?" She asked with a smile.

"Awesome. The girls are really getting the hang of it." I said with a smile.

"That is amazing. I'm almost done with everything. How about you girls go get cleaned up I have your uniforms already for you." She said kissing my cheek.

I smiled as I thanked her and we ran up stairs to get ready. I put my hair up and applied a little bit of lip gloss before putting my shoes on and running down the stairs to see mom had everything packed.

"You ready girls?" She asked happily.

"Always." We said rushing to the car.

We all got in and made our way to the game. I smiled as I saw Garth with his friends in the stands. He waved at me and I rushed onto the field.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to our final game this season. My name is Gwen Porter and I am head cheerleader." I said through the mic.

"And I'm co cheerleader!" Pen yelled from the line.

"Now we would like to introduce John Adam High's football team!" I yelled.

They came out and the girls started to cheer. I smiled as the game started and I stood beside the girls cheering.

"Go Gwen and Pen!" Garth yelled cheerfully.

I laughed as I heard him and then after awhile the game was over and I went to find my mom. Garth intercepted me and I laughed as he hugged me.

"Gwen I want you to meet Sam and Dean they are up top" He said happily.

"I don't know they look like nerds." I said with a smirk.

"You hurt me." He said looking down at me.

I laughed and turned around to see a girl running from the lockers. Garth looked at me and I watched as Pen ran up to me crying.

"'" She said through sobs.

I rushed past her as Garth tried to stop me and I ran into the locker room. I felt Garth grab me as I made it to the lockers. I caught a glimpse of my mom on the ground with a knife through her chest. I screamed as he held me to his chest and dragged me out of the room.

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