Cas explains and saying goodbye

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The next day we all called Cas and he appeared in a circle of holy oil. They lit it on fire and trapped him.

"What is this?" Cas asked confused.

"We want answers like why did you kidnap my daughter and try to force her to have the devils baby!" Dean snapped glaring at him.

"It was the only way that Raphael couldn't have her and Lucifer wouldn't be able to get to her so he was the only choice." Cas explained.

"You said you wanted to use my child!" I snapped glaring at him.

"Yes against Lucifer. In case he breaks out of the cage again. I knew you would be safe if he was the father." Cas explained.

"Go to hell." I said going to walk out of the room.

"It means no angel or demon will try to hurt you! You are safe from them!" He yelled making me stop.

"Yea but what about the angels that don't care and then demons loyal to Crowley! You put a mark on me and now I'm stuck being claimed by the devil!" I yelled angrily.

I walked out of the room and went to my bedroom to pack for my trip. Dean walked in and leaned against the door.

"It's just until this is over. I want to make sure your safe. I promise I'll come get you as soon a so can." Dean said softly.

"Please make sure to call!" I exclaimed hugging him.

He hugged me back and I smiled as I breathed in his sent.

" I promise I'll call you every night. It won't be forever." He said softly.

"I'll miss you.." I whispered quietly.

He hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead.

"I'll miss you too." He said softly.

I let out a sigh as we pulled apart and got ready for me to leave. I grabbed my camera and smiled as I handed it to Dean.

"I want a picture with all of you." I said hugging Bobby.

Bobby laughed as he hugged me and we took some pictures together. If then was Sam's turn and he picked me up and Dean took pictures of us. After it was over Sam took the camera and dean walked up to me. I smiled as I hugged him and Sam took the pictures of us.

"I'll see you later." He said as I got into the car with Garth.

"See you later." I said smiling at Dean.

Garth started the car and we drove away. I smiled as we drove down the road and started to sing the songs on the radio. We pulled up to his house and got out laughing as his girlfriend came out and hugged me.

"Pen?" I asked shocked.

"I missed you!" She squealed hugging me.

"Wait you two are together?" I asked shocked.

"Yep..... didn't want my dad to know." She said with a laugh as he hugged her.

"Well I think I'm the wife of Satan now." I said with a laugh.

She laughed with me and we went inside and unpacked everything. Like Dean said he called me every night. We spent a half a hour talking until it was time to go to sleep and I would go hunting with Pen and Garth. Soon enough the calls with Dena stopped and the last call I got from him was that Bobby had passed away.

"Hello?" I asked answering the phone.

"It's Sam. How are you?" Sam asked softly.

"I'm good have you talked to Dean? He hasn't called me in a while." I said softly.

"That's why I called.... he and Cas.... they are gone."

"What do you mean by gone?" I asked sitting up.

"That's just it they are gone. I don't know where they are. I'm sorry Gwen. I don't think he is coming back." Sam said sadly.

I hung up and felt tears stream down my face. My door open and Pen rushed over to my side and hugged me.

"He is gone.... they both are." I said crying in her arms.

"I know G.... I know." She whispered hugging me.

It wasn't long after that I turned eighteen and got a call from a unknown number.

"Hello is this Gwendolyn Winchester?" A voiced asked over the phone.

"Yea this is her. Who is this?" I asked confused.

"My name is Benny Lafitte, I'm a friend of your dads." The man said over the phone.

"You knew Dean Winchester?" I asked confused.

"Knew? Kid I know him."

"Hate to break it to you but he is gone and has been gone for over a year." I said sadly.

"He's back." Benny said with a chuckle.

"That's impossible if he was back he would have called me." I said as anger boiled up inside of me.

"He is, don't know why he hasn't called you, but he is back." He said calmly.

I hung up on him and dialed Sam's number. I called it and waited for him to answer and after awhile he did.

"Hello?" He asked softly.

"Is Dean alive?" I asked quickly.

"Sigh.... How did you find out?" He asked softly.

"Some guy called and told me! I can't believe you didn't call me! I can't believe he didn't! I'm his daughter!" I yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry..... a lot has happen and he couldn't. I'm sorry. I'll have him call you."

"No don't. Tell him that wherever he was he needs to go back." I said hanging up.

I threw my phone against the wall and it broke as I fell onto my bed. Garth came running in and saw me holding my face in my hands.

"He is alive..... and he didn't call me. How could he not call me?" I asked as he rushed to my side.

I cried as Garth hugged me to him. He rubbed my back as I cried. After awhile I lost another person in my life and left hunting and went to college for a year.

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