Light the candle.

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(Warning: Blood and Gore.)

Giggles echoed in my ears as I wandered the halls, my hands clutching my only weapon. The walls were tight, black, and wrapping me in nothing but black as I stepped forward.

Logan is mine.

All of them-they found out, of course they did. And now, now I'm gone. That 'Patton'? Ha, who could possibly bring him back? No one. They got too close to Logan, that's where they went wrong.

Logan belongs to me.

Screams echo in my ears as I find them. They're trapped. They thought they were stronger, didn't they?Thought they could escape this game we play?

My knife twists in my hand as I think of that, and soon enough it twists in the flesh of Virgil, screams ringing out from every corner of the room as Roman begs me to stop hurting him.

If he didn't want this to happen, he should've just backed off from Logan!~

Once the screams die out, my knife gives me an urge to go ahead and finish the job. They'll be no one to tell the secret if no one else is there, after all!

When I'm finally on top of him, when I've finally defeated him, it's right next to where I got Virgil. Their hands loosely linked, the dim light illuminating them. They look like something out of a horror movie.

I didn't want this to happen.

I awake with a start, sitting upright and downing the cup of water next to my bed. The covers around me are drenched in sweat, and the lights are off in my room, meaning Thomas is still asleep. Only the common room is lit if he's asleep.

And the last thing I need right now is to see their faces. I look horrible, they might catch on-if Logan catches on, I don't know what I'd do with myself. I'd die.

I eventually stand and clear the blankets from my bed, making a point to wash them when the lights are on. Afterwards, I find myself going over to the candle. Logan's candle.

He gave me it last year-a Christmas present. It was apparently because candles can help to calm and sooth emotions, and he wanted me to have it in case I felt particularly bad about something. Gosh, Logan is so smart and caring. And mine.

I don't light it often, I don't want it running out. I just light it when it's been a rough week or day. Or when I have nightmares. It reminds me of Logan, which always comforts me.

I just need to remember where I left the matches.

I think there's some in the kitchen cupboard, and since no one else will be awake at this hour, I can just sneak out and get them. Yep. This plan is flawless.

I take a quick look in the mirror on the way out just in case, and I look relatively okay for playing as the whole 'oh I just woke up' character. Once I'm in the hall, I can already see my nightmare again, fresh in my mind.

The screams echo and swirl in my mind, and I want to throw up as I remember the blood on my hands-I swallow, closing my eyes tightly. When I open them, everything will be fine.

When I open them, I will be Patton-the one they know.

When I do open them, the hall is dark, but not like the one from my nightmare. My head pounds as I bite my tongue to keep my mind distracted from the nightmare. My feet quietly tap against the floor as I head to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible. Luckily my onesie provides padding, so my stepping is quieter than normal.

Like a mouse, Or a shadow.

When I get to the kitchen, my head is pounding as if something is banging against my skull, and my tongue is bleeding. I decide to have some water, hoping that that will stop the pounding and wash down the blood from my tongue. I hate blood.

The water is cold, and sweet in my mouth. I rejoice in the iciness of the water, and then proceed to the kitchen cupboard. I open it up, searching for the matches in the darkness, trying be as quiet as possible. The others need sleep, they all must be exhausted.

Eventually I find the matches, trying to close the creaky cupboard doors quietly. Again, I didn't want to wake the others. I'd already caused them enough pain and suffering by burdening Virgil like that. I need to be careful. I need a different way.

I could just.. I dunno. Pillows, maybe? Just slash pillows. Yeah. That might work. And I don't see any blood then, so it works out for both of us...uh, I mean. For me. Or I could I did that once, and it did not help. It made me worse.

It made Thomas worse.

I took a deep breathe, calming myself before I went......crazy. Breathing seemed to work, breathing and ignoring it. If I just ignored it, it would go away. But then....then it would grow. I'd break.

Logan would hate me if he found out. Virgil is already terrified of me, and I haven't seen him or Roman for days. Or deceit, but I don't really mind him. It's good, they can't get close to Logan.

But they wouldn't, anyway, because they don't like Logan like that.

What if they do? Think about it, Logan does seem to like their presence....

But they'd reject him! Virgil doesn't like Logan like that, and Roman only has eyes for one person....

You should make sure of that.

Breathe. Breathe. I can stop thinking like this. Breathe. Breathe. Don't let yourself slip from the edge. Breathe.

It's almost the middle of the night, and here I am, holding matches in a kitchen and beginning to freak out. One might call me insane. It's stupid of me, this whole thing is a stupid little phase that will pass soon.

I take one step forward, then another and another, careful to not make the floorboards creak. When I get to my room, it's darker than before. Thomas's still sleeping, which is good. I steadily find my way over to the candle and place it on the floor. At this point, with my mind, I'm not really concerned about it falling over and burning my room down.

I get out one match and strike it on the side of the box. It burns, and my hand steadily leads the flicker of a flame over to the candle's wick, lighting it. Before I know it, the match is out again and I'm watching the candle burn.

I'm watching the flame flicker when I breathe, and staring as the wax melts around it. It's serene, and quiet, and my mind is peaceful. It's one of the only times I can be peaceful, without having to manage Thomas's emotions or keep myself under control.

The candle flickers as I sigh, almost going out. The scent it emits calms me, and smells like the sea side and roses. I love the smell. I love that Logan cared enough to give it to me. I love it.

It's the one thing that can calm me down, and half the time, I'm too scared to light it in case it goes out. I mean, if I do have it end up going out or running out of wax, I can just get another one. The same candle, just...a newer version.

I think I've found my solution.

Light the candle.

Maybe I can control this. (A Yandere Patton AU fan fiction.) Where stories live. Discover now