Bunker prep.

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When Virgil managed to get out of Patton's room, he was almost shaking with nerves. He was terrified of everything, everyone, and was probably going to have an attack, but he was determined not to have a panic attack in the middle of the hallway-right outside Patton's room-so he tried to calm himself as he walked to his room.

Breathe in, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Breathe out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....

He didn't even realise he'd walked into Roman's room until Roman started to hug him. He felt like he was going to loose it, to cry. But he also felt safe, and warm, and tired, and shocked. But mostly, he felt nervous. One person, and who was that one person going to be?


It would be Roman, because he was here and as anxious as Virgil was he'd promised not to tell Logan and he was on bad terms with Deceit, so....Roman. It was going to be Roman.

What they'd do when he told him? No clue. How Roman would take it? Even less of an idea. Wether this was actually a good idea or some stupid suggestion Virgil had to ruin everything and end up as the bad guy again? Probably the latter.

But hey, Roman felt safe and warm, so what harm was done in telling him?

-Virgil's POV-

I looked up from the hug, where I'd been resting the top of my head against Roman's chest and he'd been rubbing circles into my back, and saw Roman looking worriedly back at me.

"Hey, Emo Nightmare, What's up?" He asked, continuing to rub circles onto my back as he held me close to him. I could feel his breath hot on my skin and I saw his eyebrows raise in concern. He was so pretty.

"I-it's just Patton. W-we should....stay in a bunker....for a while." I puffed out, my breathing out of whack with every word slipping through my mouth. I tried to calm himself but ended up getting even more nervous and anxious than before. Roman lead me over to his bed and sat me down, bringing me in for a hug and staying there until I managed to calm my breathing. He felt so warm, so safe. "H-he's a Yandere. D-dangerous." I tried to explain and Roman held me tighter with every word.

"If it makes you feel better, Virge, a bunker will do. I knew something was up, I didn't think it would be as serious as this-or that he'd ever have it in him to be like this." Roman said, playing with my hair. I relaxed. We were safe, we were gonna be safe. If Patton got with Logan, maybe that'd calm him down. After all, we were in the mind, and Patton could control it to some degree, right? So therefore it would make sense that if he got with Logan, it was good, game over, done, Patton wouldn't need to harm anyone again.

Yeah. Yeah that's right. And then I could be safe with Roman, and we could all be happy, and it would be fine. Yeah.

Roman stopped playing with my hair and untangled himself from me, walking over to the door and closing it. "So, a bunker? How are we gonna get food? We can survive off simply conjuring it and eating that, but it's tasteless and drains us more than normally eating." Roman said, trying to explain to some degree how conjuring food works to me, which I chuckled at slightly, cause I knew how to conjure food.

"I know what conjuring food is like, don't you remember? way back before I ducked out, I pretty much lived eternally in my room?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. Roman gave a stiff nod. I chuckled. "Okay, we'll raid food from Thomas's kitchen. Nothing too major, just like fruit and stuff. He can buy us stuff too, if we tell him-" I cut myself off. Telling Thomas was a whole other problem and I wasn't about to do that.

Thomas would freak out, maybe even shut down from the overwhelming amount of feelings and anxiety he would feel. And that was from me, the embodiment of his anxiety. I'd almost had an attack, which hasn't happened in ages, so he might even shut down or go into overdrive if he finds out, and he'd be really confused.....

"Let's not tell Thomas. The truth, anyway. Well say we're....bunking to try and get Logan and Patton together? I mean then we'll have to explain the fact that as faucets of his mind we can, indeed, date, but it's easier to explain that then whatever the hell this mess is." Roman said, seemingly catching onto my train of thought.

"I don't really like lying.....but that's pretty much the truth, if we bunk and try and get Patton and Logan to get together or date while we're bunking, then maybe it'll all be over and we can forget about it?" I said, more to myself than him. He smiled at me, I love his smile.

"Sure. Now, let's go bunk. In my room or yours?" He asked, and I considered it. My room would mean Roman would pretty much die in the first few minutes, and his room meant I loosened up a bit because it was more.....creative....than others. His room. It was for the best.

"Yours. Let's lock the door and things though, and maybe set up sleeping places?" I said. I pictured myself sleeping next to him, in his bed, all safe and warm...that just made me feel worse. He'd never like me like that, not with the mess I am and the anxiety I embody. I'm his worst enemy. He's only friends with me because he has to be, for Thomas's sake.

Roman came closer to me, noting my darkening expression, and put a hand on my back. "Hey, if you want, we can share a bed until this is over? It's been a really long time since I changed the layout of my room so it'll be difficult." He said, giving me a smile. I could feel my cheeks heat up, and I was glad I remembered the extra foundation on my cheeks and things.

"Y-yeah...Okay." I stuttered out, attempting to calm my heart, which seemed to go a thousand miles an hour. Man, he was so handsome, and cute. I wish I could just kiss him.
What did I do to deserve you?

He smiled at me. "Well, let's get ready then! I'll work on the stuff in my room, and you can get food and supplies, Okay? We'll make trips for supplies and things. If Logan or Patton ask, we're having a Disney marathon. I have some new Disney movies we haven't seen and this is the perfect opportunity to watch them!" Roman exclaimed, looking excited. His eyes shone, his cheeks flushed, and his smile widened.

I nodded.

Should I smile because we're friends? Or should I cry because that's all we'll ever be?

Maybe I can control this. (A Yandere Patton AU fan fiction.) Where stories live. Discover now