Happy thoughts.

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Patton smiled as he walked over to the wall, framing another picture. Of course it had taken hours of thought and self restraint to not cross out the two faces of his friends, and to not put a heart around Logan. If Logan came
into his room, it would be weird seeing a photo like that. However, it could go two ways....

Patton forced himself out of the thinking, taking a deep breath. If he continued, he might even have had to lock the door to his room. And he still had cookies to make, so that wouldn't have gone well on either side.

He walked over to his door, opening it and walking out, closing it behind him. The hallway was a little narrower than he remembered, but he hadn't been outside his room in a while so he figured it was just déjà vú, in some form. Logan has just exited his room, walking away to the commons. Patton felt his breath hitch and butterflies in his stomach at the mere sight of him. It was getting worse, now he could barely look at Logan without his face heating up.

And he didn't want to be a Yandere. He was just possessive, is all. He wasn't going to hurt anyone, right? And it wasn't like he's force Logan to be with him-it was just that the mere thought of a life without Logan made him want to shrivel up and die. But it didn't mean he was a Yandere.

Yeah. He wasn't a Yandere.

He realised he'd been standing there and staring at where Logan had been, so he moved away and went to the kitchen, beginning to bake his cookies. He'd have to do something about this feeling, about the way he was acting towards Logan. He always felt pangs of....hurt? When Logan was particularly close to another trait or he chose to compliment others. It was the whole reason he continued making dad jokes, cause he thought he would get some reaction. Of course, it didn't, but it wound up being a way of telling how he felt.

And then there was when another trait complimented Logan. He felt jealous, and he wanted to leave. At the same time, he wanted to hurt them. The person so close to Logan. It frustrated him, because he actually really didn't want to hurt any of them. At all.

He sighed, sliding the cookies into the oven and putting his oven mits away. He set a timer, and walked out into the commons. "Heya Logan, heya Virgil." He said calmly, the butterflies returning. Calm down, Patton. He's just reading a book. Seriously, he's logic. I bet he can't even feel emotions. That thought was reaccuring, but today it hurt more for some reason. Then came the thoughts on how he could make Logan love him, and if he didn't....he didn't want to think about a life without Logan next to him. Besides, even if it wasn't romantically, he could always be best friends with Logan.

He realised he'd been staring at a window and standing there awkwardly, so he sat down. "Hey Pat." Virgil responded, so he figured he hadn't zoned off for too long.

Logan looked up from his book. "Hello, Patton. How are you?" He asked. The mere sound of him saying Patton's name made him beam. And his smile. He was so perfect.

"I'm great! How are you?" He returned the question, almost bouncing on the seat. Remain calm, act like nothings going on, and be normal. Just until you can find a way to fix this, and stop feeling like this, cause it's wrong. You shouldn't love logic. But you do, and oh gosh-a life without him wouldn't be worth living!

"Adequate." He replied, turning to his book again. Was he not interested in the conversation? Had Patton interrupted something? What is he and Virgil had been talking-what if Virgil was getting close to him and Patton had interrupted? He should eliminate Virgil. Then there wouldn't be someone in his way. He should get rid of Roman, too. And deceit. They all stood in his way. They all stopped him from being with Logan.

He didn't even realise he'd zoned off again, or that his face had gone dark. Or that his smile has left, and he was still sitting in a prim position. "Pat? You okay there? You look like you've just heard the worst news of your life." Patton smiled again, fake, but smiled. He shook himself a little, just to ground himself.

"I'm fine, Virgil, why do you ask? I was just thinking." He replied, smiling again, throughout the sentence. Normal. Normal. Normal.

"You looked quite upset...and dark. Whatcha thinking bout?" Virgil asked. Already this was a distraction, and something to calm the butterflies still swarming in his stomach. He smiled wider.

"Nothing much, just thoughts. And what would happen in a world without puppies." He said, a lie, but he couldn't bring himself to say what was really on his mind. He smiled again, getting up, but Deceit has appeared directly in front of him, unbalancing him, so he sat back down.

"That certainly wasn't a lie." Deceit said, moving over to sit on the fourth couch in the room. At least he isn't next to Logan. Patton got up, ignoring the statement Deceit made, and walked off. So, now commons were off limits. Maybe he could just browse Facebook in the kitchen? He didn't even have to bother continuing his thought as the timer went off when he stepped into the kitchen. He took the cookies out using oven gloves and placed hem on a counter to cool.

"Fresh cookies are in the kitchen!" He called, hearing a thud from the commons. Virgil loved cookies almost as much as Patton, but he refused to admit it. Then he heard Princey come from his corner of the mind, and slowly both Logan and Deceit came. I wonder why they came together?

It was a coincidence. He should stop over analysing. "Patton, you gonna have one?" Roman asked, and Patton shook himself out of his thoughts. He didn't feel hungry. In fact he felt a little afraid of what was happening to himself. He needed time alone to figure this out.

"Uhm, no, I'm fine, kiddo. Not very Hungry." He said, smiling at Roman. Just a few more minutes and he could go into his room. Then he'd work things out.

"You okay? No dad joke and you don't want cookies. That's a bonus sad town notification." Roman said, adding "yeah that wasn't my best. It sounded better in my head." Patton simply smiled at him, bouncing a little on his toes like he usually did.

"I'm fine, honestly. Just not very hungry." He said, disregarding the last part of no dad jokes. He could make any. He couldn't think of any. All he could think of was Logan. And they didn't even make Logan laugh. What was the point of them?

He snapped out of it again. He noticed all of them staring at him and said his goodbyes before leaving to his room. What would he do? What could he do? Surely there was a thing in the mind to stop this feeling. He felt dangerous, and lonely, and scared. What would he do to himself? To others? What if he couldn't get rid of this feeling? What if he felt like this forever? Was this love? Love felt terrifying. Love felt horrible. But this didn't feel like love. Was it love?

Was it love for Logan? Was it obsession?

Happy thoughts, Patton, happy thoughts.

(A/N: hi! This is my first officially book aside from the roleplay sanders sides one I put
Up like yesterday, and it's based off of an AU on Instagram called 'YanderePatton AU' made by the user Layla_loves_cake8 so if you have Instagram, go check it out on there! There are so many good works and new AU's based off of it. This is just my take on what would happen with a little
Bit of comedy mixed in there. Anyway, enjoy!)

Maybe I can control this. (A Yandere Patton AU fan fiction.) Where stories live. Discover now