장 열 다섯

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Chapter 15-Fight
Finally, it was the weekend. We have been going to the arts school for around a month now. I no longer had my crutches, but I had a boot(I would be getting it off in a few weeks). I got to do at least a few things in dance class, mainly just the upper body movements. The other day was really rough for everyone. While I was in the middle of practicing the new dance, I got a note from the office telling me to go to the music room. When I showed up, I noticed Jungkook sitting inside the classroom with his head on his knees. I went over to him and took him outside the classroom to talk with him for a minute.

I sat down outside the classroom and patted the spot next to me, gesturing for him to take a seat. He took a seat next to me and that was when I saw tears running down his cheeks. "What is wrong?" I asked him, staring to make sure he wasn't hurt. "My voice. It doesn't sound the way I want it to." He told me. My eyes widened a little bit. "It's okay. You just have to keep training in order to get your voice to sound like you want it to. Hang in there. I am here for you every step of the way." I told him. He gave me a hug and then we both went back to our classes.

For some reason, that day was really awkward. I think it was weird because it was the first time we both had one of those kinds of talks with each other. Maybe it was meant to be weird. I was hanging out in my new room that I had to myself. It was so nice to have a room to myself. Although it was nice, it was kind of lonely without Jungkook in there with me sometimes. Mostly it would get lonely at night since I would have no one to talk to and stay up all night with.

My new room had enough room for a desk where I could do my schoolwork and go on my computer. "And, finished!" I said proudly to myself. Someone knocked on the door and I went to answer it. It was Jungkook. "Guess what I am doing Noona!" He said excitedly. I put my finger in my chin and thought about it for a second. "Hmmmm, I don't know actually. What are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled even bigger. "I am doing another audition for BigHit Entertainment! Want to come along again?" He invited me to go with him.

    I nodded and followed him out to the van. My sister and mom were already in the van, ready to go. "I can't believe we are doing this again. It feels like he just auditioned for the first time yesterday." Seul said as we were waiting. Jungkook came back into the room and looked happy. "You look happy." She told him. "Yeah, I am. I think I did really well this time." He smiled a close eyed smile at us. "That's amazing. Great job." I told him. "I need to tell you something." I was about to say okay when he took me by the wrist and led me outside. "What is it?" I asked confused.

    He let out a slight sigh, and that's when I knew he was hiding something from me. "Jungkook—" I could tell he knew I was upset with him. "Hear me out okay." He began before I could interject. "Last time I auditioned, someone told me something." He said. I could tell the look on my face looked confused because he gave me a weird look. "What did they say to you?" I asked impatiently. His eyes went to the floor and then glanced back up at me for a minute. "No emotion. No emotion while dancing." He said.

Without saying anything, I wrapped my arms around him. "Whoever said that knows nothing about dancing. Don't listen to them." I told him. He hugged me back and then pushed me away to look me in the eyes. "I didn't listen to them. That is why I came to the arts school here." I smiled at him. Man was I proud of Kookie. I'm glad he didn't listen to whoever told him that. "I'm so proud of you Jungkook. I hope you get in this time. I really do." After our chat, we went back inside the room and waited s little while longer.

    Finally, after 20 more minutes of waiting, they called Jungkook inside to talk to him. "Good luck." I told him as he stood up. Before he exited the room, he gave me a smile. "I can't wait to find out the news." Seul said. I sat in my chair, impatiently waiting. A few minutes passed when the black haired male entered the room, looking really excited. "Jangmi! I made it!" He said excitedly. My eyes widened and I jumped up and gave him a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" My mom and sister clapped for him and gave him hugs as well.

We all decided to head back to the house and celebrate Jungkook's accomplishment. I started to wonder what it was like to be in a k-pop group. Then I started to think about how I wished I got accepted into one. Jungkook didn't even get accepted to one yet. He was only a trainee so far. My mind was going to fast ahead of life. It just needed to slow down some. And by some, I mean a ton. "We are going to celebrate you today Jungkook. Where would you like to go?" My mom asked him, looking at him through the vans mirror.

He put his finger on his chin, making his thinking pose. "Can we go to the Cheesecake Factory?" He requested. "Sure. Off we go!" My mom said. The food at the Cheesecake Factory tasted amazing. I also had such a fun time with everyone—mainly because Jungkook made me smile and laugh a lot. For some reason, I felt as though there was something he wasn't telling me. When we got home, we all went to our rooms. Since the house was so big, the bedrooms were all spread out. I could see Jungkook through my bedroom window because his bedroom window was across from mine. He looked really happy and was on his phone.

It looked like he was texting his parents about what he did. Even though I was happy for him, all of my feelings kept slowly started crawling back to me. I wanted to get rid of them all. Why couldn't let they just go away already? After a few minutes of watching Jungkook through my window, I closed the blinds and went to visit with Seul in her room. I gently knocked on her door, and surprisingly she came and let me in for once. Ever since we moved and got our own rooms, I felt as though we grew distant from each other.

I sat down on her bed next to her. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked her. She nodded and looked up at me. "Promise you won't get mad when I ask you this." I told her. She gave me a pinky promise and gestured for me to go on. "So, you have never really talked about your dad a lot. Can I just ask what he was like and if you liked him?" Her eyes widened a little bit but then calmed back down. "I hate him." She said. I watched her carefully. "Why do you hate him?" I asked her. She looked down at her bed covers.

    "He used to drink a lot. That is how he broke his leg. He got so drunk and fell down the stairs. My mom didn't mind him drinking, until she found out he was going farther than just drinking. He once was out hanging with his friends when he over dosed on drugs. He is currently spending his time in jail. I haven't seen him since. I didn't even get to say goodbye." She explained to me. I reached out my hand to lay it on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Seul. I under—" She smacked my hand away from her and I could see tears going down her cheeks. "Don't say you understand because you don't! All you are is a kid whose parents left her at a very young age. You don't understand what I have been through. No matter how hard you try to convince me you understand, you never will."

    I ran out of her room and slammed the door behind me. I left her crying in her room by herself. I went into my room, slamming the door behind me. All the lights were off and I sat alone in the corner, crying.

                           "All you are is a kid whose parents left her at a very young age."

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