장 하나 {01}

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Disclaimer~This is my first ever Jungkook Fanfiction X Reader Story I have ever made so sorry if I got some things wrong. I really wanted to make a story like this because I am a HUGE fan girl of BTS and my ultimate bias is Jeon Jungkook. Please pretend that this is in Korean. I can't write story's in Korean but I am currently self teaching myself Korean. Hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Chapter 1-New Girl
    I rushed around my room, attempting to find what I should pack next. "We are leaving in 5 minutes!" A women said from down the stairs.

 "Okay!" I shouted in reply as I shoved a whole bunch of my favorite clothes in my suitcase. Someone came up to my room and banged on my door, even though it was wide open. "Come in Miwa..." I regretfully said. Sure enough she waltzed right in and took a seat on my bed. Miwa was sort of like my younger sister. She was adopted from Japan, hence her Japanese name.

"Don't mess up my bed, please. The sheets are already washed and it is made for the next person to come stay in this room." She had a smile on her face. 

"(Y/n)! It's time to go!" The women called from down the hallway. I zipped up my suitcase and put my jacket on.

 "I'm glad you're leaving. Have fun in your new home." Miwa told me as I walked out of the room. 

"Are you ready for this?" The women asked me as she set my suitcase in the back of the car. 

"Are you ready for this? I know you love me a lot. You knew when I became your foster kid that someone someday would adopt me and you would have to let me go." I told my foster mother.

    "Listen, I know you are going to a great home. Your new mother and father will take great care of you. I have been your foster mother forever. Have fun in your new home and meet new friends okay. Promise me." She told me as we pulled up to the airport.

 "I promise. Love you mom." She dropped me off at the airport doors and I waved goodbye to her. That was the last time I was going to see my foster mother in a long time. When I walked into the American Airlines airport, I was greeted by my guardian who would take me to my new home and ride on the plane with me. "Thanks for riding on the plane with me." I thanked the man in advance.

    He led me through the baggage check and security. After that, we handed in our tickets and boarded the plane. "You are a 3rd year in middle school, correct?" He asked me. It sort of surprised me. That was the first thing he had said to me all day.

 "Yes sir. Do you know exactly where my new family is?" I asked him, looking out the plane window as we took off to the destination. Everything looked so small once we got really high in the air. I had been on a plane before, but that was when I was really little.

    After over 14 hours of being crammed on a plane, we made it to the next airport. "Welcome to Korea." The intercom went off in the building. Then they said it in Korean. "한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다." My guardian got my baggage and off we went to my new home. As I rode in the car to my new family, I looked out the window the whole way. Korea was just so big and beautiful. What else was I supposed to do? When I found out I got adopted and I had to move to Korea, I was surprised but happy at the same time. 

"We are here." The man at the front of the car said.

"Thank you for the ride." I bowed to him. All I knew about Korea was that you bowed when you said thank you. I didn't know the language or anything like that. I got out my suitcase and walked up to the front door. This was it. I was about to meet my new family. I carefully knocked on the door and heard footsteps coming towards the door. Was I really ready to meet my new parents? Well, to late to go back now and turn down the offer even though it wouldn't make a difference.

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