장 두 {02}

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Chapter 2-Letters
    Today was a good first day of school but it was kind of rough. Me and my sister walked through the front door and set our bags down on the counter to unpack. Our mother greeted us in the kitchen, setting down a plate of snacks for us to enjoy. For snack we had some bananas and strawberries. 

"Thanks for the snack, mom." Ye Seul said, taking a seat at the table, grabbing a strawberry and putting it into her mouth. 

"So, how did the first day go at school?" She turned her attention to me. I took a seat at the table and opened up a banana. 

"It was good. A few people made fun of me because I am adopted but I get that all the time." I explained briefly, not wanting to walk about the situation. I never liked to bring up that situation, like, ever.

 "It will get better. I promise. Did you meet any one? Make any friends yet?" She pulled up a chair across the table from me and took a seat. 

"Oh, yeah. I met this one kid. His name wa-" In the middle of my sentence, someone rang the doorbell. 

"Oh hold that thought. I'll be right back, (y/n)." My mother said, getting up to go answer the door. I heard her talking to someone, specifically telling them to join us for dinner.

    My mom came back into the kitchen with Jungkook following behind her. "(Y/n) I would like you to meet-" before she could finish her sentence, Jungkook came over and sat next to me. 

"Jangmi! I didn't know this is where you live. Oh did Ye Seul and her mom adopt you?" I laughed a little bit at his sort of childish behavior. 

"Yes. Ye Seul's mom adopted me a few days ago. I moved in here yesterday. Why are you here, Jungkook?" I asked him. 

"I'm guessing your parents are gone away on a business trip?" Ye Seul said, still eating some strawberries. 

"Yes, they are. Thanks for inviting me over for dinner again." He thanked my mother for the invite.

    My mother looked over at him, "Oh, no problem. How long are they on business for this time?" She asked, curious. 

"This time they are going to be gone for a month or so. The house is quite empty and silent since I'm the only one there right now." He explained. I took a strawberry from the plate and popped it in my mouth. 

"Aw, that's a while. I wouldn't want you to be alone in your house for that long. How about after dinner you go pack some bags and stay in Ye Seul and (y/n)'s room in the extra bed?" My mother offered.

    Once I heard those words, I tried to interject, but forgot about the strawberry I was eating. I began to cough and Ye Seul came and lifted my arms into the air. 

"You sure I can stay? I don't want to be a burden." He said. At this point I stopped choking on my food and decided that was all the food I was having for now. "Of course you can stay! I don't mind at all. I'm about to get dinner ready. Ye Seul, can you take Kookie back to his house and help him pack his bags?" My mother asked my sister.

    "Sure. Let's go Jungkook." She said walking out the front door with him following her. 

"So I take that Jungkook was the friend you made today?" My mom asked me, leaning her chin on her palm. 

"Yeah. He is really nice, too." I said, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. 

"I have a question." She said. 

"Hm?" I looked up at her in the eyes. 

"Why does he call you Jangmi?" I blushed a little more. 

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