장 아홉

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Chapter 9-I Love You
    Today was the day I was regretting. This day was Jungkook's audition for BigHit entertainment. I still couldn't believe I didn't actually tell him how I felt about him leaving. I mean if I did tell him how I felt, I knew he would stay back to be with me. To be honest, I wanted him to stay but I also didn't want him to stay. Damn it! Why do feelings have to be so complicated sometimes? Instead of thinking about my feelings more, I decided to get ready for the day.

    It wasn't like I was going anywhere in the first place, but I still decided to put myself together. Usually, getting ready in the mornings helped me feel refreshed and got me motivated to do something actually important in my life. As I headed down the stairs, I heard Jungkook talking with some unfamiliar voices. "Jangmi!" He said as he saw me walk into the kitchen. "Hey. Whats up?" I asked him. He ran over to me. "These are some of my friends from school. They are coming to audition with me for BigHit entertainment today." He explained to me.

    I gave him a shy smile. "That's cool. It is nice to meet you all." I bowed to them and they did the same. "Well, we better get going. How about you girls go hang out with some of your girl friends today while I am at the audition with these boys." My mother suggested. "Okay." Seul said. Before they left for the auditions, I spoke up. "Hey mom, can I go with you to the auditions?" I asked her. "Sure. Lucky for you there is one seat left in the van. Let's go kids!" She said.

    When we showed up, there were a ton of kids there. Some were girls but most of them were boys since it was mainly for boy k-pop groups. Apparently if you make it into a group, you are first a trainee. After a few months of being a trainee, you are a regular member of the group. "How long are we going to have to wait for your turn?" I asked Jungkook as we were waiting. He turned to me. "It goes in alphabetical order so I should be coming up soon. My last starts with a J so it shouldn't be too long of a wait." He explained to me.

I let out a slight sigh as we waited. To be honest, I couldn't take anymore of waiting. I just wanted to know if Jungkook made it or not. Of course I wouldn't be able to find that out yet since he hadn't even stepped foot in the audition room. Sadly, family members were not allowed in the room. I have always known Jungkook is a loud singer so my hope was to hear him sing today. "Good luck." I told him as they called his name. He glanced back at me, "Thanks (y/n)."

    What just happened? Since when does he call me by my actual name? Now that I think about it, Jungkook usually always calls me Jangmi. I wonder why he didn't call me that this time. "Is something wrong?" My mom asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards her. "I'm fine." I lied to her. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. "Uh, I have to go take this real quick." I exited the room and stayed out in the hallway. "Hello?" I asked the caller. "Hey (y/n), it's me Kat. I wanted to see how everything was going." She told me.

    My sad emotions were overcome with joy. "Oh, do you want me to be honest?" I asked her. I could hear the change of emotion in her voice. "Only if you want to be." Kat said. I slid against the wall until I made it to the floor. I sat with my back against the wall. Before I started, I let out a slight sigh. "Well, it is just that things are not the best. Jungkook is auditioning to get into a k-pop group." Her voice changed again. "That's awesome! Tell him I say hi and if he makes it congrats." She told me.

    There was a moment of silence over the phone. "Wait, this is bad because you like him right. You don't want Jungkook to leave, do you?" Finally, someone that actually understands my feelings. The other day when I told my mom how I felt about him leaving, she didn't understand what I was truly going through. She didn't understand how much I actually love Jungkook. He is the world to me. "No, I don't want him to leave." Kat is the only person besides me that knows how I love Jungkook.

She let out a sigh over the phone line. "(Y/n), you must listen to me." I nodded. Tears started to from in my eyes. "You love him just the right amount." That was when I broke down into tears. Kat's voice comforted me over the phone. "Just promise me, you will never let him leave without taking part of you with him." After our mini chat, I sat there crying alone in the hallway. After a few minutes of being alone, a door opened and someone sat next to me. I looked up to see who it was.

Jungkook sat down next to me and looked at the ground. "Why are you crying Jangmi?" He asked me. I covered the lower half of my face with my knees. "Nothing you need to worry about." I lied. He looked me in the eyes. "Yes it is. You are someone I hold dear to (y/n). Please tell me what is wrong so I can help you fix it." I shook my head and turned away from him. "Jungkook..." I managed to get out through my short cries. "I don't want you to leave. I want to stay with you forever and ever. So when you decided to take the audition, I knew you would get in so I started to panic. How was I supposed to tell you I care a ton about you and don't want you to leave. Selfish of me, huh." I explained.

More tears ran down my cheeks. Suddenly, Jungkook turned and lifted my head for my eyes to meet his. "I don't think that is selfish. (Y/n), I know you care about me a lot and I care about you a lot too. I love you (y/n)." Those words made my heart beat faster and made me blush. "I never even thought about leaving you. I never thought I would even make it. And, I didn't. So don't worry. I am stuck with you for a while." He told me. He sniffled a little and began to cry. I saw tears slide down his cheeks.

I put my arms around him and brought him into a hug. "It's okay. Don't say that Jungkook. I wanted you to make it. I would have made it without you for a few months. We could still face time each other. As long as I would get to see you, no matter if in real life or online, I would be okay. I love you so much." I confessed to him. I had no idea he would cry. He needed someone to be with him right now, and I was that someone.

"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."~ H.Jackson Brown Jr.

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