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Chapter 6~Happy Birthday Jungkook!
I awoke to the peaceful sound of birds chirping this morning. "Finally, a Saturday where I don't have to go to school." I said aloud. I looked around the room, trying to see if anyone else was still sleeping. After finally deciding to get ready for the day, I headed down the steep, wooden stairs to breakfast. "Good morning (y/n)!" My mother said happily. How could she always be so positive and happy all the time? For me, it was practically impossible to do that.

"Did you get his present yet?" Ye Seul asked our mom. "Actually, I thought we should all get him something separately. Maybe you and (y/n) could go to the mall today and look there." She said. "Huh? What are we doing?" I asked her, clearly confused. "Today is Jungkook's 15th Birthday. I thought maybe you and your sister could go and each buy him a present or something he might like. What do you think?" She asked me. "Sure, that's fine with me. Where is Jungkook anyway?" So I know it is his birthday, but where could he be?

"Oh, he went to hang out with his friend. He should be back by the afternoon. So you still have time to get him something, don't worry." His friend must be that kid I met at lunch last month. I believe his name was Min Yoongi. I couldn't believe it was already over month since I moved in with my new family. School started at the end of July and ends in the middle of May. Time sure was flying by fast these days. "So, you ready to go to the mall?" My sister asked me.

I nodded and off we went to find Jungkook a present. 'Hm, What does Kookie love the most?' I thought to myself. After around an hour of shopping, I finally found the right thing. I knew he loved music and loved to sing a lot. Since I knew what his favorite band was, I decided to get him their new album. Ye Seul and I went to the check out and then headed home to wrap his gifts. "So, what did you get him (y/n)?" My mom asked me as I set the bag on the counter. "It's a secret." I said, putting my finger up to my lips.

    We laughed at that. "I'm sure whatever you got him that he will love it." I smiled and took the bag up to my room to wrap. It was almost two-o'clock and Jungkook would be home soon. I had to get his gift wrapped fast so he wouldn't see it until he opens it. It took me about 8 minutes to wrap it and just in time. I heard the front door open up. I could tell it was Jungkook and his friend since there was another voice following his. "Thanks for letting me come over." Yoongi said as he sat down in the living room.

    I went down to the living room and sat down on the floor across from the couch Jungkook and Yoongi were sitting at. "Happy 15th Birthday Kookie." I told him smiling. "Thanks (y/n)." He made his cute bunny smile that he always did. No matter how old he gets, it will always still be adorable and cute. My mom came into the living room. "Would you like to do cake and presents Jungkook?" She asked him politely, not trying to interrupt our conversation. "Sure."

We gathered around the counter in the kitchen, singing happy birthday to Jungkook. "Saeng-il chughahabnida. Saeng-il chughahabnida. Saeng-il chughahae, salanghaneun Jungkookie. Saeng-il chughahae." We sang in unison. As we finished singing, he made a wish and blew out his candles. "Thanks for everything you guys have done for me over the years of knowing me. It means a lot to me." He announced aloud. "No problem. We are always here to help you." My mom told him. I blushed a little bit.

Ye Seul nodded, "Yeah. I mean you are like a brother to me. We love you Kookie. That will never change." She said. He smiled. "Are you ready for presents?" Yoongi asked him, holding a present in his hands. "Yes. Can I open your's first (y/n)?" He asked me. I looked up. "Huh? Or yeah sure. Here you go." I replied, gently handing him his gift. As he unwrapped it, the smile on his face got bigger. "Awesome! Thanks so much (y/n)! How did you know this was my favorite band?" He asked. I smiled at him. "You're welcome. And I noticed you sing some of their songs in class when you are bored. Also, you listen to them all the time on your phone." I explained.

"I love it." He said. "I thought you would. I knew you have been wanting that album for a while." After the party was over, Yoongi went home and we all got ready for bed. It was almost 12-o'clock in the morning before I ended up going to sleep. As I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water before bed, someone knocked on the door. "I guess I'll get it since everyone else is asleep." I muttered to myself, dragging my feet to the front door. "Hi. Um, are you one of Jungkook or Ye Seul's friends?" I asked the person standing in the doorway.

She was wearing skinny jeans and an fallish short sleeve shirt. She had brown hair and blue eyes. "Are you (y/n)?" She asked me. I nodded, confused as of now she knew who I was. "My name is Kat. I was your foster sister when you were 4 and left when you turned 9." My eyes widened when I heard those words escape her mouth. How did she find me? This couldn't be possible, could it? "Is it really you Kat?" I asked her. She nodded and that's when I about lost it. I gave her a huge hug and she hugged me back.

    After a minute of hugging, I invited her inside to stay warm. "So, how did you find me?" I asked her, handing her a hot cup of tea. "Well, I decided to see you again. So I called our foster mom and she told me you got adopted into a home in South Korea. I hope it is okay that I came to see you." She explained. I nodded. "Of course why wouldn't it be?" I questioned her. She sighed and set her cup of tea on the table gently, trying not to spill any of it.

    She sat back on the couch. "Well, I just didn't think you ever wanted to see me again after what I said to you when I left." She said. That was when I remembered what she had said. "Hey Kat..." I began. She looked over at me. "Hm?" I looked up at her. "Why did you say that?" I asked. "I didn't want you to be sad when I left. I didn't think I did much with you. I mean you were still so young and just the thought of never seeing me again...I thought it would hurt you a lot." She told me. I nodded. I could understand that part.

    "But, here we are talking right now." I told her. "That is because I have something important to tell you that I have been meaning to tell you for a while now." I nodded for her to go on. "Me and Miwa are biological sisters."

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