"Oh he's replied already. He said he is busy until 7pm tonight, is it okay to come round then?" I just nodded and watched as Tae replied

"I think I want to go get a few things from my house, I need clothes and underwear"

"I'll take you, go get dressed" Hoseok answered so I just nodded and got some of Tae's clothes for now

When I got to my house, I'm assuming old house now, the door was still unlocked, I walked in slowly to make sure it was safe. I looked at Hoseok who was still at the car putting the seats down to make space in the back for all my stuff and I gave him a thumbs up to let him know I was okay. I went upstairs and started putting things into a bag

"Jimin, baby, can we talk?" I heard Yoongi cry

"No, I don't want anything to do with you, you hurt me. More than anyone else has ever hurt me... and you know how seriously I mean that" I could feel my heart beating faster and my body broke out in a sweat

"I didn't mean it, you just made me so mad that I didn't realise what I was doing" he took a baby step towards me, holding his hands up as a sign of surrender

"Don't you DARE blame your aggressive actions on me. I did nothing but try to make sure you were okay and you strangled me then I overheard your conversation of YOU cheating on ME and you got angry again" I stopped to get my breath before looking at him again "you're a piece of shit Yoongi, I thought you actually loved me"

"I do love you, so so much"

"If you loved someone you wouldn't leave bruises like this on them" I showed him my arm and neck where he was squeezing to tight. He looked at them and I couldn't see even one slither of guilt behind his eyes.

"Jimin, you know I love you, and I know you love me too, we can work through this" he walked closer to me and managed to back me into a corner "let me show you how much I love you" he said before kissing my neck and locking our hands together. The sudden contact made me moan slightly, his gentle touches going over the bruises he left... the bruises HE left... Yoongi left bruises on me and I'm letting him seduce me, no I can't let this happen. My senses kicked in and I tried to push him off me

"NO GET OFF ME!" I tried to push harder but he wouldn't move "get off please, I don't want this and I know you don't either, not like this" I started crying through my words trying to make him see what he was doing. His hands moved to my wrists again and he gripped at the same place as yesterday making me wince

"I do want this baby, I want to make you see why you shouldn't leave me, I want to show you how good I can make you feel, I want to have you a worn out mess, sore but still crying out for more. That was the only good thing about you, how much of an animal you are in bed" he kissed my neck again, starting to bite and nibble at it "you always were ready to go for another round"

"Yoongi, please stop, I don't want to do this, you're hurting me" my cries got louder and louder

"Jimin? Where are you? Are you okay? JIMIN?" I heard Hoseok shouting downstairs and I saw anger flash through Yoongi's eyes.

"HOSEOK HELP" I managed to shout out as Yoongi smacked me across the face, I let out a cry of pain as I hit the floor as I saw Yoongi jump from the window to avoid Hoseok seeing him, I heard a thud before a groan of pain and couldn't help but feel better knowing he hurt himself

"Jimin? JIMIN?? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked whilst scooping me up in his arms, I just shook my head as he placed me on the bed

"He was going to force me to have sex with him, he really doesn't love me at all does he?" I said between sobs.

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