I thought it over, thinking of every moment we've shared. The good and bad times, the highs and lows. I felt Tae take my hand and close his eyes momentarily with a sigh, I saw him mouth the word 'sorry' but when his eyes opened again he seemed much calmer. Tae squeezed my hand and I realised I had been quiet too long. 

"No Tae, he's never hurt me before" he just looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and I just smiled "I promise, he's never laid a finger on me, even when we would argue he would always be the one to apologise first, always be the one to patch things up by bringing me food or a blanket for us to cuddle under. He would often apologise without using words but just his actions" I could feel myself getting upset again so I stopped talking and Tae nodded and pulled me back into his arms.

"I'm not letting you stay here on your own again though, if he hurt you once he'll do it again Chim, remember that for me"

"Tae I'll be fine, trust me, if something happens I'll be sure to call you straight away. I can't just run away from this"

"What if I told you that there's a film night planned, we're all going be there, me, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Minghao and Jun, come on it's been ages since we all spent time together"

"Not tonight Tae, I need to talk this through with Yoongi, another night for sure"

I heard footsteps behind me so I turned round and saw Yoongi looking at me with a puffy face and red eyes.

"Can we talk?" He asked me quietly then looked at Tae still sat with his arms around me "alone..."

"Okay, Tae you go see the guys and have your film night, I'll be fine. Tell them I said hi and I'll be there next time. Thank you for comforting me and I'll call you later, I promise" he just nodded and gave me a hug before leaving

"If you don't call me by midnight, I'll be back here to check on you in person" he said with a stern voice so I knew he was serious. I looked at the time and saw it was already 8:30pm.

"Okay I promise, now go! I'll be fine" I assured him but could see the hesitation in his eyes.

"Fine okay, I'm going, love you, be careful" he said being sure to give Yoongi a glare

"Love you too Tae, now leave"

He finally listened to me and the house fell silent again. I looked at Yoongi and saw he was still looking at me with pain in his eyes. He sat next to me and tried to pull me into his arms but I made sure to keep some distance

"I'm so sorry Chim, I don't know what came over me. You know I would never hurt you intentionally, I love you so much"

"I know, I love you too, but that doesn't ignore the fact that you did hurt me. You choked me, you stopped my breathing, when would you have stopped if Tae wasn't here? When I blacked out from lack of oxygen? I can't be around someone who is going to be a risk like that"

"I'm not going to hurt you again"

"I don't know whether to believe you. How can I believe you?"

"You could let me prove it" he offered and I just nodded. He smiled wide and pulled our lips together, I froze for a moment not knowing how to respond but his usual soft touches became a natural response and I kissed him back. I felt his hand move up my chest, I felt my heart beat faster as he got closer to my neck, but he just kept going until his hand was cupping my face to guide me more into the kiss. I found myself feeling stupid for thinking it was going to happen again. It was just a fluke. It won't happen again.

I woke up to the bed empty, Yoongi's side was still warm so I knew he hadn't been out of bed long. I pulled the covers off me and put on some pyjama bottoms to give myself some coverage, smiling to myself thinking about what we have just done all night.

I looked at the time and saw it was 11:30 pm, I have to remember to ring Tae before I go back to sleep. As I walked passed the window I thought I saw someone in the distance looking at me but when I looked back there was no one there. My first thought was that it must have just been my reflection... but it didn't look anything like me. I hesitated for a moment to see if I saw them again and just as I was about to leave I saw a 20-odd year old boy walking round the corner. He was just wearing jeans and a black hoodie, there was nothing special about him other than he looked angry.

I pushed the thought of the boy out my mind and went to find Yoongi. As I walked down the stairs I could hear him talking, I tried to be as quiet as I could, as I wanted to listen in on the conversation. I regretted it straight away as what I heard caused my heart to drop, my knees to go weak and my head to suddenly feel like it was spinning at 100mph.

"I know babe, there's nothing I can do, I can't leave him he relies on me too much... you know I love you. I was going to tonight but... I messed up too much with something else. I just can't do anything else right now... I will I promise... okay, good night, I love you so much as well, I had fun seeing you today"

I couldn't move, I felt frozen, I wanted to go and punch and scream at him, I wanted to kill him, I want to know why, why he would hurt me like this? What has happened in the past few days to make him go from the most loving person I know, to someone who can physically, emotionally and mentally hurt me so much in the space of a couple of hours. As he went to go back upstairs he saw me in the doorway for the living room, he just stopped in his tracks and looked at me shocked

"W-why are you up? Are you thirsty?" I shook my head and that's when he realised I heard him

"No... I'm not thirsty"

"How much did you hear?" he sighed as if he couldn't be bothered talking about it

"All of it pretty much. Why? Why would you hurt me?" I asked quietly

"I just don't love you anymore, but why were you listening in on my conversation? It was private." He asked suddenly getting angry at me

"I wasn't, I came to find you because you weren't there when I woke up and then I heard you on the phone. I waited to see if it was important or not before I walked in and then I heard you calling someone else babe, telling them that you love them"

"Do you realise how rude it is to listen in on something that you aren't supposed to?" He asked whilst stepping closer to me ignoring the fact that he was the one completely in the wrong.

He grabbed my wrist with a speed that he thought I might run and held it tight in his fist. I winced slightly but he just pushed me against the walls and slapped me across my face "stupid kid, I should have known better than getting involved with you" my whole face burned up with a stinging sensation from Yoongi's slap "I knew I shouldn't have dated someone a few years younger. Never emotionally ready for relationship"

"W-what? Yoongi, What's happened to you?"

"I just can't be arsed with you anymore, you're too much effort, I've found someone else. Their better, nicer, cuter... sexier. Nothing like you"

"N-no, how can you just find someone else? No!"

"SHUT UP! Just shut up!" He shouted and suddenly slapped me again "For once just stop questioning everything I do or say, I can't take it" my face was throbbing, it felt hot and stingy but I was too scared to move. I looked at the clock and saw it was now 11:45pm, how I wish Tae would turn up already, anyone just please help me I begged through my thoughts too scared to actually make any noise or screams for help. I've never been one for asking the universe for something, but god how I wish someone would help me. "I don't know what to do anymore Jimin, you drive me insane, I can't carry on this way. I thought I could try and keep you happy by acting cute and soft with you but you just get more clingy, you DONT STOP! You never stop!" His hand raised again and all I could do was pray again that someone would help me. I felt my tears fall again and a sob left my mouth

"If you dare touch him again I won't hesitate to kill you" I heard a voice say, I didn't recognise it and I'm guessing Yoongi never as his eyebrows furrowed and looked behind him. I did the same and gasped, it was the boy in the hoodie that I saw looking at me through the window. He was so handsome up close, Yoongi's head snapped round to look at me again and his grip tightened on my wrists.

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