Just A Shadow ~ Part 30

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I held Travis' hand dearly as we exited the car and stepped into the movie theater. Inside was already everyone else, waving their hello's and hugging us.

"Finally, you came! It took you long enough!" Aphmau joked.

"Sorry, we left a bit late." I apologized.

"We could tell." Everyone said at the same time.

We all laughed at that and stepped in line for the food stand to get our drinks and food. Travis and I decided to be simple- one large popcorn and two separate drinks. I chose (favorite/drink), and Travis decided to go with a blueberry slushie. Once everyone else got their things we went inside the screening room of our movie and sat down in our seats, which was a legitamet chaos.

"I'm seat 14!"

"I wanna sit next to Garroth, move it!"

"Can you move down a seat?"

"You almost dropped the popcorn!"


"Just sit somewhere!"

Once we eventually sat down next to our partners and watched the movie, it was left smoothly. I was between Travis and Aaron, so that was okay I guess. I scooted closer to Travis and snatched his free hand and enveloped it in mine, kissing it. I felt Travis pull our hands to him and he kissed them.

"Y/N, you never seem to fail me." Travis whispered.

"I could say the same with you." I smiled.

We continued eating popcorn and chugging our drinks (and cuddling, not going to have to deny it) until the movie ended. We all stood up as the credits rolled and took the time to stretch.

"That movie seemed so long!" Garroth said, stretching his arms over his head.

"Yeah, it was, but it was worth it to spend time with you~" Laurence kissed his cheek and kept stretching himself, making Garroth blush madly.

"Aw, they're in love." I remarked, giving them some smoochy faces.

"We've been dating for 2 years." Laurence replied.

"And you and me have been dating for 3 years." Travis said, grabbing my arm and walking away and seeming to be angry.

"No, honey, I didn't mean it!" I said, hugging his waist as he looked ahead of me, but he was clearly hiding a smile. He just scoffed and crossed his arms.

"The only way you could make it up is with a little kiss." Travis told me.

"Ew, why would I want to kiss you out of all people? Unimaginable." I said.

Travis looked like that was limit and pulled me into a sweet and tender kiss. I of course gave it to him back, and we stopped as soon as we saw the others were on their way here. We left the theater and decided to eat somewhere since it was getting really late.

"What should we eat?" Aaron asked.

"Something nearby, I don't want to wait any longer." Aphmau replied, holding his arm.

"Guys, we just ate." I said.

"We're still hungry." Laurence commented.

I rolled my eyes and helped them decide where to eat. We settled on a McDonald's that was a block away. We walked there reluctantly (well, I walked there reluctantly, anyway) and when we finally arrived, got our food. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't get anything. Everyone else did get something, like fries and burgers, sodas and milkshakes. Laurence and Garroth waited in line for us as we chose a table to sit in.

"This has been really nice. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go home after this and sleep." Aphmau told us.

"Maybe I'll join you." Aaron said, pulling Aphmau closer to him. "But seriously, thanks for tonight."

We all cheered at that. And, cheered even more when the food came and was slammed at our table. Everyone reached out to grab their food, and I watched as Travis got his burgers and fries and dragged it to bring them to him. I grabbed a couple of his fries and ate them with no sauce at all.

After the dinner, we all walked around the blocks for a bit, laughing and making jokes.

*** *** *** ***

I don't know what happened after that. I don't know what actually caused it for it all to go wrong.

All I truly remember is that we were walking, and we were talking about something, and it pissed off Aaron and Travis, and they started fighting.

"TRAVIS, STOP!" I yelled, trying to get to him to stop their fights.

"AARON, CONTROL YOURSELF!" Aphmau screamed from the side, panicking,

Garroth was trying to pull Aaron aback as Laurence was doing the same with Travis. I wanted to go up myself and calm Travis down, but Garroth didn't want me any more hurt than I already was.

"YOU DON'T SAY THAT!" Aaron yelled, kicking Travis.

"WELL MAYBE I WOULDN'T HAVE SAID IT IF YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT!" Travis replied, punching Aaron back.

I couldn't handle it anymore and shoved to Travis myself and hugged him. As I did, I looked at Aaron to tell him to please calm down, but his eyes.

His eyes magically went from a near black to a bright red. I felt the eyes dig into my body, and it flt like it clawed at me. I held myself as I fell to the ground, screaming and hissing and in pure agony. My body felt cold and it felt like I was dying. My vision was become blurry and fading as I kept screaming. I saw a white-headed boy run to me, and a black-headed boy run away, another black-headed girl run after him. I was pulled onto a lap and told things, but they disppeared in the air and it didn't affect or get to me. Even if I was cold, I started sweating uncontrollably. I felt pain mostly in my back and chest, but as well in my head. And the pain grew stronger, and stronger, and stronger-

Until the world went black.

Thank you so much for your support, the book is finally complete! Hope you enjoyed it, and I'm sorry to say, I'm not making a sequel, I'm not into Aphmau as I am anymore. However, I did enjoy making this book. Love y'all!


Just A ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora