Just A Shadow ~ Part 28

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If you don't know, the book is almost to the end. I'm making these last chapters longer, for more suspense and enjoyment. But I just wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone who stuck by!

I closed the door of my dad's car behind me with my foot, trying to balance the bags of supplies in my arms. I tried to wave a goodbye, but then again, I was stuffed with bags so I nodded my head as he drove away. 

Kawaii~Chan was a genius for this idea, I'm pretty sure everyone liked it!

I made my way up the steps to her door and knocked on it, waiting for her to open it for me. Even though I knew she was on her way- I heard her scream from the house and run towards the door. 

"Y/N!" She exclaimed, hugging me.

"Hey, Kawai~Chan! Can I come in?" I asked, balancing a falling bag on my risen leg propping it up.

"Of course, make yourself comfortable!" She giggled, dashing back inside.

I waddled inside, and there was Dante, Aphmau, and that Aaron guy, who had a red bandana over his eyes. As soon as they saw me they helped me with some of the bags and took it to one of the tables. As we all settled them there, Aaron seemed to remember me.

"Hey, weren't you that freshman from the crash?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was. Aren't you Aaron?" I asked him.

"Yup. Nice to meet you..."


We shook hands and then went to sit down, and waited for everyone else. Soon enough, in came one-by-one Lucinda, Laurence, Travis, Katelyn, Garroth, and Zane. They all individually put their ingredients down, and sat down as Kawaii~Chan clapped her hands in excitement and got before everyone.

"Welcome to Kawaii~Chan's baking contest!" 

"Does she do this often?" I whispered to Garroth.

"Only one other time." Garroth responded, and I nodded.

"Shall we get started, everyone? Kawaii~Chan is ready!" She continued.

Everyone clapped their hands and went to their own stations. Aphmau and Aaron were one group since they were too cute to seperate and Aphmau can't cook. Luckily, Kawaii~Chan had a huge kitchen, so everyone had a spot. 

"Yo KC, how many siblings do you have, this is huge!" Dante asked.

"Oh, just me and my parents!' She replied, getting in the middle of the gigantic kitchen.


I quickly took out my bowl and took out all the ingredients I needed to pour on the table. I was in between Zane and Travis, so I took a peek at their progress- same as me. I glanced behind me to see Kawaii~Chan sitting on her refrigerator, munching on some cookies.

Getting back on track, I took out my measuring cup and spoons and started pouring- 2 cups of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/2 cup of butter, a cup of sugar (since Kawaii~Chan loves sweet things), 1 cup of milk, and 1 teaspoon of (favorite/flavor). As I got the 2 eggs to crack, I saw that Travis was already in the mixing part, and it looked like he was making some vanilla treat. Zane was having some trouble making his. I chuckled and Zane elbowed me, almost making me drop my eggs. You freaking twerp!

I began to crack the eggs and add the yolk to the bowl, then getting a wooden spoon and mixing all the ingredients together. I saw all the things go together in sync, and I kept mixing until they all became truly one. I even tried a bit, it was coming out good!

I spread all the batter into my cupcake pan, making sure it all fit and nothing was left over. I was making exactly 11- one for everyone, including me! I then stuck the pan into one of the 3 stoves and let it bake for about 20 minutes. I slapped my hands together and saw Aaron and Aphmau beside one of the ovens.

"You guys waiting for them to bake too?" I asked.

"Yup! What are you making?" Aphmau changed the subject.

"Some (favorite/flavor) cupcakes, how about you guys?"

"Some french toast. It's gonna be so good!" Aphmau smiled.

"Correction- I made french toast, all you did was mix the ingredients." Aaron scoffed playfully. 

"How can you see what you're doing with that covering your eyes?" I pointed to the bandana.

"I just can, plus it's really thin." He answered.

We stopped talking for a bit, and I saw Travis stick his cupcakes into the extra stove and put in the time, sighing relief.

"You're vanilla cupcakes look great." I said.

"Actually, on that note, can I talk to you outside?" Travis asked, looking down.

Oh god, what did I do wrong? Does he not want me as a friend? Does he know I like him? Does he think I'm weird? Does he think I'm ugly?


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