Just A Shadow ~ Part 20

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Friday, 8:37 am

I made my way to the top of the stairs. It was really early, and school started in an hour. I came early because I wanted to keep my eyes on Ein. I made my way up the stairs and heard someone crying. I silently approached the sobs and saw 3 werewolves- one crying and the two others comforting him. I made my way to them and got their attention.
"What's wrong?"I asked, concerned.
The werewolf crying sniffed and looked up at me.
"E-Ein made me Omega, and I don't know what to do!" He sobbed, and burried his face in his arms. One of the other werewolves tried to calm him down.
"Daniel can't fight or even defend himself! He's too small to be the role of Omega! But our alpha won't care!" The girl werewolf explained, putting an arm on Daniel's shoulder.
"We have to speak to Ein!" The other male werewolf proclaimed.
"I'll talk to him." I said.
Daniel looked up at me wiped his tears.
"R-Really?" He asked, smiling.
"Yeah, I can reach to him." I replied.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" All the three werewolves said.
"Come on, Dotty! Let's take Daniel to play frisbee!" The male werewolf exclaimed.
"Good idea, Rylan!" Dotty said excitedly.
Dotty and Rylan held Daniel's hands and lead him to the field on the side of the school.

I stomped my way up to Ein. I found him in the hall, talking to his little pack. Pathetic.
"Ein. What on Irene's sake makes you think you can make Daniel Omega?" I questioned, hands on my hips.
"Because I chose to. I'm Alpha, I make the rules." He proclaimed.
The two werewolves nodded and laughed.
"But Daniel's-"
"I know, weak, can't fight or defend. But he needs to prove himself worthy. It I made it as Omega, so can he."
Ein walked away with the two werewolves by his side. At this rate, they could turn into the Heathers if they wanted to.

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