Just A Shadow ~ Part 19

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Thursday, 8:19 am

I swung the backpack over my shoulder and paced down the stairs. I woke up earlier so I wouldn't have to deal with seeing Ein, especially having to deal with him being alpha. I walked into the kitchen to see mom handing me my lunch. Ein's lunch wasn't seen.
"Thanks, mom." I said.
"No problem, Y/N. Hope you have a good day, and tell Ein that as well when you see him at school."
"Wait, Ein... isn't here?" I asked.
Mom shook her head. "Ein's supposed to go to school earlier now because he's alpha."
I wanted to sigh so bad, but I didn't. I kept it in.
"Oh, okay then. Well I'm gonna go, bye!" I forced a smile and waved my mom goodbye.

I closed the door and grunted. Why didn't I think of it before? Of coure Ein had to go! Being alpha meant you had to go early for the pack!
I walked down the sidewalk as I made my way to the school. I watched the bus pass by at a moment, but I didn't bother looking at it. I walked the steps up to the school and sat on one of the couches near the entrance.

I sat there watching people run by, mostly werewolves. They ran around chasing eachother. There were mostly people people gossiping about yesterday.
"Did you hear?"
"Did you see the alpha?"
"I hear his name his name is Ein."
"I'm so fortunate to share a class with my alpha!"
I sat there until the bell rang and I walked to my class. I sat down in my seat. I sat behind Kawaii~Chan, and beside her was Lucinda. They both turned to me as I sat down.
"Hey, Y/N." Lucinda calmly said.
"Oh, Y/N! Kawaii~Chan is wondering if you've decided the book for the Language Arts project!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.
"Oh, Irene, I haven't. I talked about it with Lucinda, Dante, and you, but we still haven't decided! When is it due?" I asked.
"Monday." Lucinda crossed her arms.
"Ah! That's in 3 days!" I burried my head in my arms.
"Hey, we'll figure it out when the class comes." Lucinda placed her hand on my head. Kawaii~Chan did the same, her tail swayed excitedly. I smiled; I have such great friends.

*** *** ***

Out teacher passed out a worksheet to each of the groups. It was language arts class, and I was in my group, consisted of Dante, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, and me.
"Everyone write your information for your project here." Our teacher declared.
Dante grabbed one and placed it in the center of all of us.
"Who has the best handwriting?" He asked.
Lucinda took out an index card and took a blue marker and wrote something to prove it.

Lucinda took out an index card and took a blue marker and wrote something to prove it

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"Well, I guess you're writing it." Dante shrugged.
Lucinda got her index card and threw it away. Me and Kawaii~Chan stared in shock.
"Lucinda~Chan! It was so pretty!" She gasped.
"I can write better than that." Lucinda took out a pencil and began to fill out the worksheet.
"What's the book gonna be?" She asked.
"Wonder!" Me and Dante suggested. It was an amazing series.
"Fine, Wonder." Lucinda wrote down Wonder and stared at us. "Do you guys even have an idea how to do it?"

Me and Dante stared at eachother and grinned. We had plenty of ideas.
"Maybe we do." We said.
Lucinda crossed her arms and Kawaii~Chan looked at us, confused.

*** *** *** ***

I wondered around the school looking for Aphmau or Ein. I needed to speak to Ein privately. I needed to speak to him about becoming the new Omega. I might not be a werewolf, but they can make acceptions, right? They let Aphmau be alpha, and she isn't a werewolf!

I spotted Aphmau in the distance, handing frisbees out to werewolves. I went up to her and got her attention. She looked at me with her bright eyes.
"Hey Aph! Can I talk to Ein please?" I asked, trying to sound innocent and pure. Pft, like I was.
"Oh sure, just gimme a sec." She said, turning to one of the werewolves and excusing herself. He nodded and threw the frisbee to his werewolf friend as Aph lead me down the school. She walked into a classroom and Ein was there, talking to 2 other werewolves. He noticed me and stared at me coldly. He demanded the werewolves to leave, and asked politely for Aph to leave. She nodded sweetly and walked off.

Ein closed the doors and glanced at me.
"What do you want, Y/N?" He asked.
"I want to become Alpha." I spat out.
Ein glared at me and laughed evily.
"Omega? Seriously? You are so full of it!" He mocked.
"I wanna become Omega, I'm not joking around."
Ein stopped laughing and stared at me. His tail stopped wagging.
"You're not a werewolf, sweetheart. And even if you were one, you're never gonna become anything near the werewolves, Y/N. You think you can handle being one?"
I walked out and slightly opened a door.
"Just... just think about it." I muttered, and closed the door.

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