Just A Shadow ~ Part 9

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I stared at Ein. Why did he have a spraying can? I've never seen my brother get into this kind of situation! Sure, he's broken school-property windows, and started fights, (and mom defended him, of course), but a spraying can?! I need to keep a close watch.

I zoned back to where I was. Aphmau began to swirl Dante's hair again, and Dante and Travis were still asleep. Travis looked so cute! His face was natural beauty! His hair glistened and shined, and his cheeks were the perfect tone! I MEAN, HE LOOKED SOMEWHAT MASCULINE- I MEAN HE LOOKED- ugh, why do I bother?

Aphmau lightly shaked Dante. "Dante... Dante..."

Dante arose and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and tried to comb his hair back to the way it was before Aph messed it up.

"The bell's about to ring. Wake Travis up and we can be prepared." Aph said.

"Thanks, Aph." Dante said, smiling towards her direction. That's the first time he's said anything all day!

Aphmau hugged Dante for a few seconds. "No prob! Now, wake Travis up."


"Thanks, Y/N. I need to get going anyways. Class in on the other side of the school." Dante got up and frowned. "Sorry... about yesterday..."

Dante walked away shamefully. Aph sighed and looked towards me. Now what? I wake up Travis? WHY DID I SAY THAT?!

I slightly shooked Travis.

"Travis... wake up... lunch's about to end..."

Travis moaned as he woke up and sat up. He yawned and saw Dante walk away. Then he looked back at me.

"Thanks, Y/N. I wouldn't have known that lunch would've ended."

My face felt hot. "Welcome..."

Travis high-fived me and Aph and walked jogged to his class. Aph got to the weird sound of a meow.

"UHH- GOTTA GO! BYE, Y/N!" Aph jogged towards the front of the school.

I got up and grabbed my lunchbox. Once all classes ended, I need to figure out what Ein is hiding from me.

*** *** *** ***

 Last period. Last 5 minutes of school. Our teacher is blabbing about some founding father. Everyone's doing something. Our teacher's always oblivious. I began to draw on my paper with my favorite/color pen. I drew a favorite/animal in it's habitat. I felt someone poke me. I look over, and it's Garroth's little brother.

"Can you pass me my pencil? It slid under your seat." He whispered.

In crossed my arms. "Why should I? It's a free country."

He rolled his eyes and reached to get his pencil. I kicked it under his seat.

"Thanks." He said, grabbing for his pencil.

"You're Zane, right?" His face turned a normal peach color. I mean, his skin IS very pale.

"W-who told you that?!" 

"Garroth. I gotta say, I cannot see the comparison of you two."

Zane glanced at his brother across the room. Garroth waved at him and continued talking to someone.

"Shut up, you girl... woman... thing!"

I giggled and stared at his eye. "I guess it is Zane. Hello, Zaneity Zane Zane Zane."

Zane looked away. "You're acting like a child."

The bell rung and people laughed and rushed out the doors. 

"Bye, Zaneity Zane Zane Zane!"

"UUUUGH!" Zane stuffed everything into his bag and hurried off.

I laughed and slammed my fist onto the desk as Garroth walked over, laughing as well. He toppled over onto the desk as we laughed for a few minutes.

"Ro'Meave and friend. Get out. Class ended." The teacher said.

That's when I realized something.


I shoved everything into my bag as I rushed off

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