Just A Shadow ~ Part 3

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I needed to find more about him. He completes me. He lets me be happy. Wait.. what am I THINKING?! I JUST met him! Well, that can't stop me. As I pulled Garroth aside for questions about him, I saw Travis talking to the blue haired girl again. Does he like her? Looks like it. I really wish he could like me instead...

"Y/N, what's going on? Is something wrong?" Garroth asked, as I pulled him to a corner where nobody could hear us.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but.. I need to ask you something... and please don't respond anything different from the answer..."

Garroth stared at me as I took a deep breath and waited for his reply.

"I promise." Garroth promised.

"Okay, here it goes." I pointed to Travis. "Who's that?"

Garroth smiled and then it vanished. "That's Katelyn. She plays volleyball, and she's best-"

I slapped my forehead. "No, not her! Him!" I pointed to Travis again.

Garroth then giggled and then answered my question. "That's Travis. He's a great friend, but flirts with girls to get a girlfriend. Psh, what a player."

I smiled. If he flirts on every girl, then he might flirt with me! My cheeks turned rosy pink without knowing, but that's okay. Now, I have a mission: get to be his friend.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Garroth asked. I shook my head and focused on now.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just asked because... because..."

"Because you like him?" Garroth smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"No, I just... I needed to know everyone! I asked people about blue hair girl, pink hair girl, blue hair boy-"

"Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Dante."

"Yeah, yeah, them. Anyways, thanks, Garroth."

Garroth smiled. I smiled back. Now, back to Travis.

*** *** *** ***

I walked over to Travis and Katelyn. I wanted to be confident enough to befriend Travis. I NEEDED to. If I want him, I need to be closer to him.

I strolled to the gang.

"H-hey" I waved.

Travis and... Dante?.. were still talking to each other. So much for standing out. Katelyn smiled and waved.

"Hey! You must be new! I'm Katelyn. This-" She elbowed Travis and Dante. "Is Travis and Dante."

Dante waved at me. "Hey! I'm Dante, but you can call me whatever you want, mama."

I giggled at Dante. I guess Travis gets his flirting from Dante. No wonder he talks to him whenever I see him most of the time.

Travis waved at me as well. "Hey, freshman! I'm Travis. As you know.. Katelyn already introduced me.. but whatever! What's up?"

Travis talked to me! He actually talked to me! I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster. I can do it, I can do it!

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you guys!" I waved at them.

"So, what's up?" Travis said, looking at me. Paying total attention.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt glorious. He's actually talking to me! AHHHHH! Suddenly, I felt a hard pain on the side of my hip. I fell over and felt dizzy. All I saw was Dante, Travis, and Katelyn kneel down towards me, as Garroth ran over to me..

*** *** *** ***

After some time, finally, the black cloud blocking my eyes disappeared. I still felt dizzy, but... you know what I mean. I looked around. I felt my head raised up on someone's lap. I felt a throb on my hip. I felt... ashamed. I embarrassed myself in front of Travis! I looked around. Garroth had my head on his lap. Katelyn was looking for water. Dante was kneeling right beside me, and Travis was yelling at... Ein. Why Ein?

Garroth saw me open my eyes. "Y/N! Oh Irene, you're okay!"

"Yeah, I am. Thanks. What... happened?"

Dante looked over at me. "Someone threw a baseball and it hit your hip. You fell and blacked out for a bit. But, you're okay now."

I smiled and looked around again. Katelyn ran over to me with a water bottle. Travis saw me awake and rushed over to me as well.

"Oh, you're okay!" Katelyn hugged me. I hugged her back.

"You good, Y/N?" Travis asked, kneeling down.

"Yeah... my hip just hurts, and I feel lightheaded." I responded, looking down. He probably thinks I'm a loser.

Travis looked down at me. "It's okay. At my first day here, I got hit by a volleyball by Katelyn." Travis laughed and looked at Katelyn.

Katelyn handed me the water and helped me up. "Here, Y/N. Travis will take you to a mentor and she'll lead you with Travis to the nurse's office. Go."

I stood up, and almost fell down, but luckily Travis caught me. I felt happy that HE would be helping me, but also embarrassed. I walked with him gripping my arm to the nurse's office.

Just A ShadowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang