What my freind and I did in class

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We often wrote stuff down to have a conversation in class without talking, I found this while tidying my room

Friend: *has kilo ren pencil case*
Me: kilo's pens
Friend: your a pen
Me: the pen is mightier than the sword
Friend: no Carl *with drawing of person with pen being stabbed*
Me: but history is written by the victors
Friend: victors are those with the sharpest swords *picture of dude with sword and crown*
Me: touché
Me: if only your mind is as sharp as your sword
Friend: if only your pen was as sharp as my sword HAHA *picture of sword breaking pen*
Me: I will use my pen to design a warship to destroy your sword
Friend: I will use my sword to make a bigger sword and ship
Me: a sword can't destroy a ship *picture of ship*
Friend: yo ugly boat *picture of sword and ship broken in half*
Friend: *picture of sharks with swords destroying ship* shark with sword = dead
Me: sharks can't hold swords
Friend: FACT = swords were made for them
Me: no they weren't they were made for humans because we love to destroy ourselves
Friend: no shark king *picture of big shark with crown and smaller sharks with swords* shark knights your history is lies
Me: your biased only a natural historian (like myself) can say history is a lie
Friend: *scribbles out what I wrote*
Me: so what happens to the shark king when global warming kills them and I live on the moon
Friend: *picture of space shark with me on the moon*
Me: no *picture of my space castle on the moon with a dead shark of to the side*
Friend: *space sharks destroying my moon castle with moon fire*
Me: when you turn it upside down the moon looks like it's wearing a dress and bow tie
Friend: Kawaii!! ❤️
Me: not as kawaii as sea bunny
Friend: more lik SEA UGLY
Me: :c

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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