The cardician

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To say the venue was grand was an understatement.  The cream colored walls were lightly decorated with gold trimmings, contrasting with the deep velvet red chairs that filled the balconies. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, inviting you to stay and enjoy the show. The stage was a decent size, littered with production equipment for a magic show and other strange devices. At the back of the stage were four screens displaying scrolling lines of chat. Each of the four screens had a symbol above it, Clubs, Spades, Hearts and Diamonds.

Off stage the ground was covered in a plush red carpet, matching the chairs in the audience. Behind the chairs and beneath the first balcony was a small bar stocked with popcorn, drinks and any kind of snack imaginable. The two balconies were slightly more lavish than the ground floor. They had soft leather chairs spaciously arranged with little mahogany tables between every two chairs, each table holding a small gold lamp with a green and gold lampshade and coasters for drinks.

Marvin sauntered around the stage checking all his equipment was in place and in good condition. He occasionally glanced up at the screens, keeping an eye on things. Once he was sure everything was in place he walked to the front of the stage and glanced out at the three spectators, their slightly transparent bodies were surrounded by a purple aura as they aimlessly drifted around the venue.

A resounding crash echoed through the halls, breaking Marvin from his train of thought. The few people who were permitted backstage quickly scampered back to their respective green rooms where the sound had come from. Marvin rose an eyebrow and turned his back on the audience to watch the screens as the text scrolled by at an alarming rate.  With a flourish of his cape, Marvin casually walked backstage.

He smirked as he approached the notice board that hung on the wall at the end of the corridor. He pinned a new page up, knowing that a duplicate would appear in each of the green rooms. He glanced at the two doors to his left, then to the two on his right, debating on who to visit first.

Marvin wasn't worried about the lack of an audience, the big show was still a while away and the contestants still had a long way to go. And judging by the increase in shouting from the green rooms, he'd have a full house in no time.

This was inspired by another arg that I was briefly apart of

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